What really happen to yoongi

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I walked out of Namjoon's room and walked to Lisa, she was talking to mrs. Kim, I grave lisa's arm and pulled her out of the room. She looked a bit surprised. As soon as we were out of the room I was speaking so loud that the nurses looked at us.

Y/n: did you gave Namjoon protection?

Lisa: oh yeah I was going to tell you.

She was scratching her head then rubbing the back of her neck. I got so mad but keep myself cool.

Y/n: why would you give him protection?!

Lisa: I'm sorry it's just I know how much you love Namjoon, I thought giving protection would help him. And it did.

Y/n: yeah and now he will not die ever again, he will see all of us die and he will stay young forever. (Did the song pop up on your head XD)

Lisa: you know I could take it away right?

Y/n: that's up to him to decide, I can't decide for him. *signs* when did you gave him protection?

Lisa: the day you came to visit me at the hospital.

I looked down at the floor unable to look at Lisa. I know she did it to help us out and she did. But I just got a bit mad. I guess you can know why.

Lisa: anyways you want to wait until Namjoon comes out or are you going to the police station?

Y/n: I'm actually going to go see jimin.

Lisa: ok then bye.

I waved and walked to Jimin's room. He was sitting watching TV. I walked in and looked at him. He turned and smiled at me.

Jimin: Hey Y/N how are you?

Y/n: good why?

Jimin: because I see you stress out.

Y/n: I'm just wondering.....how exactly did yoongi died?

Jimin: easy I shot him.

Y/n: I know that asshole, but how, he had protection. He could not die.

Jimin: your right...... but I guess he's gone.

I have so many questions about this. Is he really did? I know I should just keep in my head that he's dead but to be honest, I'm actually stress about this. Jimin keep staring at me.

Jimin: you done?

Y/n: yeah!

We laughed for a minute. The doctor came in and told jimin that he could leave today. I stepped out of the room because he was changing, when I step out I let out a loud sign. I felt two arms go around my wait, I jumped and grave the arms strong, my nails digging into the arms skin.

Namjoon: yah! Yah! Y/N it's me!

Y/n: *gasps* Namjoon, you scared me!

I let go right away, I can see the bruises on his arms and a little bit of blood dripping. But in 2 seconds, the bruises are gone and no cuts were shown. He looked at me and smiled.

Namjoon: I kind of like the whole protection thing.

I just nod and walk away, he's right behind me tho. He grave my arm and pulled me into him.

Namjoon: you don't like it that I have protection right?

Y/n: yeah I don't like it. But if your happy with it, I'll be happy for you.

Namjoon: babe, I only want to see you happy, I'll do anything for you.

Y/n: anything?

Namjoon: anything

Y/n: tell Lisa to take away the protection away

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