Comforting At Night.

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While I was sleeping I was having a nightmare. Well it was more like the vision. I saw the same thing every time. Namjoon getting stab but this time it was different, I actually saw the man's face. Yoongi's face! He was Namjoon's killer. I saw that he left and I went running to Namjoon completely lifeless. When I looked up yoongi was their and he said "if I can't have you, no one will". I woke up screaming and crying.

Namjoon: y/n! You okay babe?

I looked at him and right away he knew it was my vision. He hugged me right away. I was still crying onto his chest.

Namjoon: I think we have to find out who is the killer. I'm scared imma loose you.

Y/N: I think I know who it is. But the vision looks so real and I can feel everything.

I cry even more, Namjoon just pats my back and he try to calm me down. I stop crying and he looks at me.

Namjoon: you feel better now?

Y/N:*sniff* yeah. What time is it?

Namjoon:*Graves his phone* 4a.m., come on let's get some more sleep.

Y/N: I'm scared going to sleep. Again.

Namjoon: I'll hold you while you sleep. Ok.

Y/N: okay.

I close my eyes and I could hear Namjoon's heart beat. To bo honest, I want to find yoongi and kill him myself. I don't want to lose Namjoon. I almost lost jimin. Then Lisa getting the knife thrown at. I'mma find yoongi and kill him myself. Yoongi had enough exercise, he needs to take a long break.

Sorry for the short chapter everyone, I hope you enjoyed this caring moments, Namjoon and y/n had. If you guys have any questions for me and the characters, comment down below. I love you guys. Fighting~😘😘💖💖

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