Protection or Love?

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Yoongi: I guess he's next.

Y/N: listen to me, if you get close to him, I'll-

Yoongi: you'll what? Kill me? You know we are all meant to kill someone.

Y/N: so? I will kill you if you come close to him.

Yoongi: stop protecting people. They don't need your help. All of them die.

Y/N: Not all, but I swear, you get close to him, your dead.

I walk out the room, Lisa was looking at me.

Lisa: he was saw the vision right?

Y/N: I got to keep him away from Namjoon.

Lisa: when are you seeing him again?

Y/N: tomorrow

Lisa: but tomorrow is the weekend.

Y/N: I know it's just we were partner up to do an assignment together.

Lisa: I know this sounds bad or kinda weird but make him yours.


Lisa: It's the only way yoongi will leave him alone. Make him yours, make him fall in love with you.

Y/N: can their be another way? I don't think this is a good idea.

Lisa: you want Namjoon to live or not?

Y/N: I don't know. I still think is a bad idea.

Lisa: please, you need to help him.

Y/N: and what do I do if I actually get him to like me?

Lisa: I don't know, you keep going with that.

I signed, do I really need to do this, turns out staying away from him won't work. I guess I'll give a try. I said bye to Lisa and went home. I took a shower to forget about it. I went to bed and got a text from my parents telling me that next week they will go on vacation to America for 2 months. I replied to them to be safe and that I love them. I guess my parents need a vacation. Ughhhh so do i.

                                                          ~the next day~

I woke up by the sound of my phone. I looked at it and it was Lisa.

Y/N:*rubbing eyes* Hi Lisa.

Lisa: Hey....just wanet to check in like always.

Y/N: I'm fine how about you?

Lisa: I'm good, hey I'm going to the salon to get my hair dyed. You wanna come?

Y/N: hell yeah bitch. At what time?

Lisa: I'm leaving my house in 20 minutes. So imma be at your house by 10 minutes.

Y/N: okay see yeah.

I hanged up and got dressed, I made myself a sandwich before Lisa came. I heard a honk. I knew it was Lisa. I ran outside locking the door. I open the car door and got in.

Lisa: Hey girl.

Y/N: hi!

I said in a cute way and she giggled.

Lisa: your so cute. You should use those skills with Namjoon.

Y/N: can we not talk about that.

Lisa: oh we will be talking about alright.

I signed. Of course she wants to talk about it.

Y/N: well I don't.

Lisa: too bad. I already have a list of things of what you should do, to make Namjoon fall for you.

I shook my head. I don't want to do this. Namjoon is a guy that takes stuff seriously and if I do this he will get uncomfortable. We arrived at the salon. The lady was those people who had this place be a V.I.P section. She took us to our seats.

Lady: Hello girls, your ready? What do you want to do to your hair?

Lisa: we want to dye our hair.

Lady: Tell me your colors.

Lisa: I want my whole hair to be blue.

Lady:*looks at y/n* and you miss?

Y/N: purple but only half of my bottom hair.

Lady: yes got it.

Both of us got our hair dyed. Woah I looked good. The color really fits me and my personality. I love it.

Lisa: wow we look good. 

Y/N: yeah.

I got a text from my Namjoon.

Namjoon's text: Hey, how are you feeling? Also are you coming to my house today?

I was about to answer it but Lisa took my phone away and answered it for me.

Y/N: yah! Lisa give it back!

She handed it back to me, she send a text already to Namjoon.

Y/N's text: I'm feeling ok. I dirent knew you worry about me that much? So cute!

Y/N: Lisa what the hell!?

Lisa: what?! I'm helping you out.

I rolled my eyes and Namjoon text back.

Namjoon's text: I don't care, I'm just making sure your ok. But are you coming over?

Y/N: yeah I will. It's fine if you don't care.

Namjoon's text: ok then, my address is 3142.

Y/N: that's close to the school. Okay thanks bye.

He did not respond back. Me and Lisa went back home. Me and Lisa were in the living room.

Lisa: so the first step for Namjoon to fall in love with you is done.

Y/N: and what was it?

Lisa: make yourself look pretty.

Y/N: Lisa I still think it's a bad idea. Namjoon is a-

Lisa: a smart ass student. I know, but did you knew he used to have a girlfriend.

Y/N:*shock* Really?!

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