Another vision?

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I woke up feeling kisses planted on my face, I giggle at this action, I open my eyes just to reveal Namjoon looking down at me.

Namjoon: morning princess, how did you'd slept?

Y/n: couldn't sleep until like 4 in the morning thanks to you.

He chuckles at me, srsly this dude went to hard, he left me wanting more, he said it like the last time, "let's leave round 2 for another day". I couldn't sleep of just thinking about it, and of course the pain. Right now it was 7 in the morning, at this time I had to go to school, we did not go 2 days ago, so I need to go today, besides, after coming out of school I have to go pick up my younger brother, ughhhh what a waste of time. Anyways him lips came into mines, so warn and smooth.

Y/n: you litterly are going to drive me crazy.

Namjoon: well we technical live together now. So I won't waste my time with you.

Y/n: shit I just remember tomorrow it's the valentines dance and also valentines day.

Namjoon: no duh dipshit, what are you planning.?

Y/n: nothing going to the party and come back home.

Namjoon: don't you have to the care of Jason.

Y/n: I can ask my Aunt to take care of him. Only just that day.

Namjoon: ah ok. What about plans for us?

Y/n: you already had your fun yesterday, so you just waisted it, you should of waited.

Namjoon: that's impossible for me to wait. But we can continue now.

Y/n: nah nuh, I don't want to, your going to leave me off like last night.

Namjoon: no, I will continue. Unless you really want me to take your virginity away?

Y/n: no I'm good.

We laugh at each other, he really changed my life, that's a fact. I really wish we last together for a long time. I tried getting up but Namjoon wouldn't let me.

Y/n: I need to change, more likely to take a shower.

Namjoon: well I guess you will have to run to the shower, because I don't have a towel with me.

Y/n: oh I will take the blankets to the shower.

Namjoon: no girl, I want the blankets with me. I'm naked girl.

Y/n: so am I. Unless you want to take a shower with me?

Namjoon: nope I'm good.

I chuckled. I just left the dude with his blankets, I sat up on the bed and stretched out. When I turn around to see Namjoon smirking at me.

Y/n: what?

Namjoon: this is a sight to see.

I got what he said and ran out of the room with a towel, to the bathroom. I could hear Namjoon laugh at me and scream "cute" at me. I scream back "shut up" and close the bathroom door. I love him so much. He's so cute. I couldn't ask for more. When I turn the shower on, my head was starting to hurt. I look myself into the mirror and saw that my nose was bleeding. I grave toilet paper and clean my nose. And steeped in the shower. When the warm water ran down my body, my head started to hurt. Oh shit another vision. I couldn't fight back and saw my vision. A man was standing in front of me, he was wearing a mask and a black hoddie. He held my hands and was speaking to me, saying "I've changed y/n, I hope you can forgive me". I was looking at the man but my vision was blurry. He said one last thing to me. " I hope your baby is healthy". I can back to reality, the water a bit to hot so added a little bit of cold water. Holy shit! What was that? Did I saw my future? I thought I couldn't?

Namjoon: y/n hurry up! I want to take a shower also.

Y/n: coming!

Gosh, I'm kinda freaked out. A baby? Forgiveness? What was all of that?

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