My boyfriend Namjoon.

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I went to the dinning room and sat down in the kitchen. I grave my phone and saw I have 3 messages from yoongi.

Yoongi's text: Hey I need to talk to you., where are you?, y/n please answer me!

I texted him back

Y/N's text: what do you want yoongi?

Yoongi's text: the police found the body.

Y/N's text: I told you I can't help you.

Yoongi's text: please I need help.

Y/N's text: sorry I can't, but if police asks you, just say it wasn't you.

Yoongi's text: fine. Okay. Bye.

Namjoon came to the dinning room and put two plates of food on the table.

Y/N: the food looks good. How did you learn how to cook.

Namjoon: my mother told me if I ever got a girlfriend or get married I needed to know how to cook.

Y/N:*giggles* charm *eats the food* mmm...this is so good!

Namjoon: I'm glad you liked it.

We talked and shared a lot together. Later on, it was already night time and I needed to go back home.

Y/N: I got to go back home Namjoon. How about you come tomorrow to my house. I mean if you want?

He looked at me and came close to me and put his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his his neck. We looked at each other then our lips meet. Why I'm I kissing him again? What ever the reason is I don't want to give it up. We stopped and took a deep breath.

Namjoon: would you be mine forever?

Y/N:*smiles* of course Namjoon

I gave him a last kiss before I left. He waved bye to me, I blew a kiss to him. He just chuckled at me. I got on my motorcycle and went home. I took a shower and went to bed. I was day dreaming about Namjoon. I can't stop thinking about him, he's just perfect. My beloved jonnie. Sweet dreams Namjoon. I love you💖💖

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