Hard day for Jason

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A week has passed and Namjoon's little sister came here because Namjoon had to take care of her. Turns out that Namjoon's little sister jisoo is Jason's friend. Both of the kids play a lot in the house. We also brought Goldie to the house. I asked Namjoon if we could and he said yeah. The two kids play a lot with her and I have to say, these kids make a lot of a mess around the house. Right now the kids were at school. Me and Namjoon were in the house cleaning up. The kids left a mess yesterday. Namjoon has been busy lately, he comes home a bit late tho. He comes home like around 9 or 10 of the night. At that time the kids are sleeping and I'm cleaning the house. Anyways my birthday was coming soon and I don't have anything planned. Lisa and Jackson have been visiting us lately. Jackson and Namjoon are always leaving the house when they come, and me and Lisa just talk all the time. Oh and I almost forgot, I haven't had a vision in a long time. That's good tho. I use my powers to put the kids to sleep. I give them wonderful dreams. Anyways I've been cleaning my room from last night, Namjoon and the kids were playing in the room and made a mess. Ughhhh what a mess. I cleaned up the toys and the coloring pencils on the floor. I finished and threw the trash away. I went back to the room and fixed the cloths. I swear to god, I feel like I'm a mother or something. Namjoon came inside the room, I didn't look at him I keep fixing the cloths. I felt Namjoon's arms go around me and carry me up to him.

Y/n: Yah! Namjoon put me down!

Namjoon: um nope.

Y/n: yah! You pabo put me down. You little monster! Put me down!

Namjoon: A monster huh?

He placed me down on top of the bed and started to tickle me. I was laughing so much that my stomach started to hurt. Namjoon kept tickling me, he kept tickling on my side, on my stomach and my neck. Switching back and forth with the movements. I could barely breath with all the laughter.

Y/n: yah!.......Namjoon stop..........I can't.......breath.

He gave me a last tickle and stopped. I was gasping for air, I was giggling a little bit, I didn't even notice Namjoon was staring at me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I looked at his eyes for a while then they left to his lips. Namjoon leaned closer and our lips met. Our lips moving in syncs, he pulled away and rest his forehead with mines.

Y/n: you pabo, I could barely breath with all the tickling.

Namjoon: well now you know, you have a tickle monster in the house.

Y/n: yeah, I can see.

We chuckled and he moved of me to rest on the bed. He was playing with my hair, while I was playing with my nails. The way he plays with my hair, feels comfortable, like all my stress and worries left me.

Y/n: you and Jackson have been hanging around a lot recently. Why is that?

Namjoon: we just wanet to hangout with each other.

Y/n: ok then.

He laid his head on top of mines. I have to say, we haven't cuddle in a long time. I really like this feeling. Just then my phone ranged and I got up and grave it from the counter.

*on the phone*

Y/n: hello?

Principle: hi is this miss y/n?

Y/n: yes this is she speaking, who is this?

Principle: miss y/n, I'm the principle of your brothers school. I've called because Jason had a little fight with the other students.

Y/n: Is he ok?

Principle: a little scratches on his left cheek but we would like for you to come to my office?

Y/n: we?

Principle: yes me and the teacher. I also understand that you have a boyfriend, he could come if he wants.

Y/n: um yes, I'll see, I will be their in 20 minutes.

Principle: thank you very much miss y/n.

*end of the call*

Namjoon: what happened?

Y/n: Jason got into a fight. I need to go to the principles office. I want you to come.

Namjoon: why?

Y/n: Jason made his classmates believe your his best friend.

He knew that, he told the kids that I have a boyfriend and they want to make sure it's for real what Jason said. He agreed and we left to the car.

                                     ~20 minutes later~

We got to the principal office and Jason and his classmate were sitting on the chair. Jason looked at me and looks away back to the floor. He later on gets up and runs to Namjoon and hugs him. The principal ask us to sit down, he asked Jason to sit back into his seat. He did but still looked at us.

Principle: okay miss y/n, your brother got into a fight and broke the desk. We have seen that he's been a bit distracted in class lately, he's been getting into trouble lately. I want to know if theirs anything at home that's been going on?

Y/n: no, he's perfectly fine at home, he's really active in the house. But getting into trouble? Fights? It doesn't sound like him?

Principle: If you don't me asking, we're is your mother? Shouldn't she be here?

Y/n: my parents are in a business trip, so she will be back next week.

Namjoon: what kind of fight is he been into?

Principle: arguments and a bit of pushing.

Teacher: he's not paying attention in class that much. So it has us worried.

Namjoon: like y/n said he's fine at home and nothings going on. Jason you want to tell us what's going on?

Jason shook his head to a no. Not paying attention in class? Getting into trouble? That doesn't sound like him, he's a chill guy in class and a crazy kid at home. So this does worry me.

Principle: okay then that's enough for today. Thanks for coming miss y/n.

Y/n: no thank you, let's go Jason.

Namjoon grave his hand and took him to the car, I think the principal and the teacher are exaggerating. He's fine. I will talk to him tho.

                          ~40 minutes later~

Namjoon went to pick up jisoo from school so I have an opportunity to talk to Jason. I knock on his door and walk in his room, he has Goldie in his lap.

Y/n: Jason honey you want to tell me what happen.

Jason: Anthony was been bothering me, telling me that no one loves me. But I know you and Namjoon love me. But I still feel like not.

Y/n: what do you mean?

Jason: I mean it makes me feel like I have no one. It makes feel like a no one.

Hearing him say this makes me heartbroken. How could this kid say this. Jason is just 12 years old.

Y/n: don't believe him honey, me and Namjoon love you alot, mommy, daddy, jisoo, everyone loves you. Don't pay attention to him okay. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Okay I love you Jason so don't pay attention okay.

Jason : okay.


Namjoon: well that's harsh for 12 year old to say that.

Y/n: yeah. Anyways let's go to bed.

Namjoon: yeah.

he turns off the light and got inside the bed and cuddle up with me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He kisses my forehead. I kiss his cheek.

Namjoon: I love you jagiya

Y/n: I love you too baby.

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