He does love me💖

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I nodded. He was about to say something but their was a loud crash from downstairs. Another crash sound came from the kitchen.

Y/N: someone's breaking in!

Namjoon: stay here I'll check it out.

Y/N: no Namjoon, this is a sign of you in danger. Call the police I'll handle it.

Loud voices came from downstairs. I left Namjoon in his room and I went to the kitchen. I looked around to check theirs no one. I open one of the cabinets and grave a knife.

???: Hey you!

I turned and saw a man holding a gun. He looked at me with lustful eyes, he came close to me. I just stood their, of course I'm not scared, I just to kill this bitch.

???: what a beautiful young lady. You live alone in this all big house.

I stood quite and looked at him. I hid the knife behind me, he keeps staring at me.

Y/N: what do you want old man. How dare you break in into my house!? Go away or you will die.

???: what a hot temperature, mind if you share that with me. I would to have some.

Y/N:*walks to him* no *stabs him*

The man grave me and hold onto me. I put the knife deeper into I'm and he's shaking. He falls to the floor and I take the knife away. I take his gun away. I hear the police sirens coming and I went upstairs with Namjoon. I looked at him and he turned around, he looks at me and hugs me. I stood their froze up.

Namjoon: omg. I was so worried.

Y/N: o-okay, I'm fine. You can let go of me now.

Namjoon:*let's go* why do you have a gun and a knife.

Y/N: the guy was going to kill me. I wasn't going to let him.

Namjoon:* chuckles and takes the gun and knife away* why are you changing me, why can't I control myself?

Y/N: changing you? What are you tal-

He came close to me and grave my waist and kissed me. My eyes are wide open. Later I close them and kiss him back, the kiss was passionate, sweet and calm. Later me broke the kiss and looked at each other.

Namjoon: I'm sorry I couldn't control myself.

I smiled at him, he smiled back. The police came and took the criminals away. The police checked on us. Later they left and me and Namjoon were on the living room. We were doing our essay, we were half way done with the project. That surprised him but he keeps his mouth shut. At one point I fell asleep in Namjoon's shoulder, when I woke up I was lying down in the couch and a blanket over me. I looked around and saw Namjoon in the kitchen cooking something, it smelled so good. I got up and went to the kitchen, he looked up and smiled at me.

Namjoon: Hey your awake.

Y/N: smells good what are you cooking?

Namjoon: kimbap

Y/N: yum.

Namjoon came close to me and kissed my forehead. I blush at his movement.

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