Znuie's Club Night

343 15 1

Atlanta Georgia
Club Vacant

I departed ways with both my sisters after entering the club. Maza was with dusty Derrick & Sy was getting her cake on. I looked around and seen majority of the party had on black, as I figured, so I went to the bathroom and changed into my silver body-con dress and came back. Maza would definitely call me extra for this. I saw a few of my friends sitting at a booth so, I went towards them and spoke.

"Hey Znuie" "Hey NuNu" "Hey Bestie"

Everyone greeted me but, I couldn't focus because I felt someone staring at me. I took a glance to my right and I seen a tall sexy light skinned man checking me out. He had on a blue jumpsuit and a red cup in his hand. I could tell by his face he was still sober though. After talking to my friends, I proceeded to walk away but I was stopped by a grip on my arm. I looked up and it was him.

"Hey," he said in the most sexiest tone almost making my stomach turn.

"Wasgood?" I said noticing how ghetto I must've sounded but I didn't care.

"Lol ma. What's your name ?" he asked trying to talk over the music.

"I'm znuie but everyone calls me NuNu." I said smiling hard.

"Beautiful smile for a gorgeous girl. I'm Drake."

"Wait..... I knew you looked familiar!" I shouted. "You're Drake..the Legend?"

Drake: 24, Singer & filthy rich.

He laughed so hard, " I guess you can say that

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He laughed so hard, " I guess you can say that. Who are you here with?"

I looked around and pointed out my sisters. He said we all were beautiful. He asked me what I do for a living and I told him I sing.

"Wow! I would love to hear you. How about you come to the studio tomorrow?" he asked really not thinking i'll say no.

"Sure!" I yelled almost jumping out my body. "Here's my number 333-251-0987" Text me the address. I wanted to be cute so I saved my name as *NuNu🦄💕". Right then he could tell I love anything fantasy, but he didn't say anything. After a while, I heard a crowd & I just knew it was Maza. Drake & I joined the crowd as we yelled my sisters name. After a couple songs, I went & danced with Drake all night. The chemistry was hitting and I know the groupies were mad but I didn't care.

"Wow ma, I didn't know you had moves like that." He chuckled.

"Yeah & if you wanna see more you should hit me up sometime." I said as I twerked on him.

Things were just getting heated when I saw Sy running towards me. By the smell of her breath I knew she had been drinking. She told me she was going home with the club owner and of course I freaked but she went anyways.

"Excuse me, I need to find my sister." I told Drake.

"You need help or something?" he said sounding concerned.

"NO!," I yelled not even realizing. "Just hit me up tomorrow."

I took off where Emaza was dancing and tugged on her arm. As soon as I told her about Sy, we panicked even more and blew her phone up. Hours and hours went by & still no response. We just wanted to know she was okay. On the way back to the house, we stopped at a gas station for some snacks. It was way too late for me to eat a meal. I stayed up texting and calling Sy until I finally gave up and passed out on the couch.

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