Rough and Passionate

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I'm warning you now. This story WILL have sexual content! It's just what I'm okay with writing, so it's not perfect! But I will try.


Justin pushes me. He pushes my temper. He pushes me to tears. He pushes me to push him against the wall as soon as we enter his house.

"Why-the-hell?!" I hit him between each word, causing him to flinch against the wall, but he's pinned there. When I'm angry, I'm angry.

He suddenly reaches out and grabs my wrists. "Stop," he hisses. His eyes are narrowed, and his breath is ragged. "You better stop hitting me, because I can't do anything back and that's not fair." I scoff. "Fair!" I repeat in anger. He switches us around and I nearly fall because of my heels.

"Shoes. Off. Now." He's practically growling and it's extremely hot. I ignore him. "You're a bitch, you know. I was saving you. He'd just hook up with you and go." "Maybe that's what I want."

His hands tighten around my hips, clearly going to leave bruises. "You want that? Sex?" "And only that."

His lips are rough against mine, warm and rough and completely passionate in a way I can't describe. They burned as if they were fire.

He groans when I jump, but is quick to react, catching my thighs in his calloused hands as I hook my legs around his waist. I run my hands through his hair, pushing the SnapBack to the floor with a light tap.

He easily carries us up the stairs, bumping the railing only three times. When we get on the second floor, it's different. He's trying to quicken his pace, causing us to fall to the floor. I burst into laughter and he sticks out his bottom lip, which I catch with my teeth. I smirk as his brown eyes widen. "Fuck," he breathes, pulling me up.

He rushed to his room, practically dragging me along. He pushes open his door and slams it behind me, pinning me against it and connecting our lips again. I shove him back to the bed, climb on top of him, and place my knees on either side of his hips, straddling him.

We continue like this, breaking apart to remove both of our shirts. His fingers trace my bra strap before completely undoing it and sliding it off of me, removing it to the floor.

When he flips me over, I pull away slightly. "Just sex," I warn, giving him a stern frown. "Yes, baby. Just sex," he repeats. I grin and let him remove my jeans and my panties with it. His fingers roughly grip my thighs as he opens my legs, tracing his thumb against me. "Justin," I whine, impatient. I hate teasing, I hate it so much.

He smirks and undoes his own jeans. "Birth control?" "What the hell do you think?" "I need a condom. To be safe." "Next time," I beg, hooking my fingers around his wrists. It's not like I can get pregnant anyways...

He distracts me from the wicked thought by kissing my collar bone after removing all of his clothes. "You ready?" I nod once, begging him to distract me further. "Okay, baby."

I watch in astonishment as his muscles flex when he grips the bed around me, sliding slowly into me. His eyebrows knit in concentration and I have to wrap my arms around his neck because he's not being steady. He's rough and passionate, like his earlier kiss. His dominance is approved well enough by me. God, he was so hot.

He moves fluently, causing me to whine and him to release a groan when I repeat his name. Swear beads on his forehead, his breath erratic. "Emily.." He groans, gripping my hips. "Hm?" Is all I'm able to reply. "I'm gonna..." "It's okay, babe. Go ahead," I whisper, digging my nails into his skin. It's when I scrape them down his back that he comes, wincing. I follow suit, a furious blush in my cheeks as he peppers kisses across my forehead, removes himself, and falls beside me.


I wake up to the smell of bacon. Justin groans beside me, obviously smelling it as well. "God, who's cooking?" I grumble, attempting to remove myself from his grip. "Bells," he responds, not letting me go. I gasp in horror. "Was she here when we... Oh, God. Justin!" "Hell, no. Calm down. She sleeps in the guest house, Emily."

I let out a sigh of relief. "At least you aren't a screamer," he muses. "Why?" "Because that shit hurts my ears," he pouts. I mumble and try to break free again. "Stop. I'll get her to bring it-" "I'm naked." "Chill! I thought you were cool with us sleeping together." "I'll do it again," I admit boldly, finally sitting up and twisting my hair into a ballerina bun. "And again. And again. And again," Justin trails off, sitting up beside me. He rubs his thumb on my side and uses his other hand to thread around a lock of hair I miss. I grumble and undo my hair, preparing to pull it back up. "No," he hisses. "It's sexy down."

It's honestly so weird, with this Justin. He's admitted to liking me. Maybe he's over it. Not that I mind. I wouldn't date him, so it's better he has no feelings. "Can we hook up? All the time?" He asks slowly. "Like... Friends with benefits?" "That's the idea." He kisses my shoulder as I consider this. "Those never work out." "Just don't bring feelings into this." "I have feelings for you." He smiles slightly. "Yeah. It's mutual. But you aren't into relationships and I'm not into the drama that comes with it. So it can have emotions, but limits." That's very smart. Emotion-less sex always spirals out of control. But limited emotions? That's merely not letting slip "I love you" and telling others we're single but not available.

"Okay," I agree. He smiles. Go take a shower. I'll have Bells being it all to me and tell her you're eating in here. She won't suspect too much, and if she does, it's okay. If you're in my house, I'm touching you whenever, wherever. I don't care if Bells is around." I shove his shoulder and get out of bed. "Your ass is nice!" He calls after me as I enter the bathroom in his room. I peek my head out the door, stick my tongue out, slam it, and lock it. Just to be a tease.

(: Please, please comment! This is the most detailed sex scene I've Ever done. Do you like it better? Or the little ones in TBBT?

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