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Reason for my absence is a bratty comment that seriously hurt my feelings. :-/

•First of all, a comment got reported and blocked because I didn't appreciate it.

It basically said, "Why would Justin cheat on Emily with Jasmine? Omg she's such a whore." And other rather disappointing things.

How is Jasmine a whore? And how is Justin cheating on Emily? Jasmine has one boyfriend who she loves. And Justin?? Why can't two people be best friends just because they aren't the same gender?!

To prove my freaking point, this chapter includes a deep Justin-Jasmine thing because they. Are. Best. Friends. They love each other, but not in that way.

Thank you and I would appreciate you not commenting anymore. In fact, don't even read if you can't understand.

Sorry to you lot who support me. (:


Visions flood my mind, horrible ones. Screams are echoing in my ears. My body is trembling. I'm drowning, my whole body is soaked.

I jump up with a jolt, falling off the bed. I suddenly see Emily's amber eyes, wide and alert, as she poked her head over the side of the bed. "I sorry, Justin, I didn't mean to wake you, but I could hear you from my room and I just... I was already awake..." I stared at her, completely clueless. What just happened?

I haven't had those dreams in almost a whole year. It was because Taylor and Selena did that one thing to Jasmine. The entire thing caused the nightmares and now- "I need Jasmine." "Justin, she's asleep, or doing something with Louis, or..." I knew she was getting jealous that I needed Jasmine, but she didn't get it.

"I need her... If she's okay..." And I was leaping from the floor, clad in loose sweatpants. I tumbled down the stairs and pulled a hoodie from the coat rack, shoving it over my messy hair. I was out the door, grabbing my skateboard off the porch and speeding down my drove. I ignored Emily's questions as she came out the front door behind me.

It took no time for me to get Louis's and I threw my skateboard down in anger. I didn't know his passcode and there was no way that they were up. I tried different things, even googling his family's birthdays. Then, finally, I typed in 3-3-14, the anniversary date of Louis and Jasmine. And the gates opened.

I simply ran the rest of the way and pounded on the door. I was impatient. A bare naked Harry answered the door, but luckily the guy had a sheet around his hips, although it barely concealed himself. I just pushed past him up the stairs. "Oi! At least knock on the door, they could be at it!" He yelled after me. And I prayed they weren't having a shag while I needed Jasmine.

They sounded asleep and I knocked several times. Finally, Jasmine opened the door. She (thankfully) had clothes on and looked very tired. "Justin? What's wr-" I pulled her into my body, practically sobbing. She rubbed me back for a while before leading me down the hall into an empty room, shooting an also sleepy Louis an apologetic look. "What's wrong?" She asked softly, frowning. I peered down at my best friend as she sat beside me. "The-The-" I choked on my words, closing my eyes to ease the pain. "What, Justin?" "I was having a nightmare."

It was silent for quite a while before she spoke. "A-about?" "Yeah." "That's not your fault, Justin. Why do you always blame yourself, and don't say you don't, because that's why you have the dreams in the first damn place." Jasmine's voice was firm and strict. She was serious. "I-I-I just... I should've known-" "Justin?" I looked at her again. "Come back with me?" I begged. She smiled sadly and nodded. "Yeah, I'll stay."


I hug Jasmine tighter to my chest, relived the dreams are gone. There's a line to draw, though, because I respect Jasmine's boyfriend, and so I let go a bit. She sighs contently as I sit up. "No dream?" "Mh. It was a good one, though." Jasmine sits up as well, grinning. "It must've been about me," she teases. "Nope," I declare. "So... Who was it about?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

I cough into a laugh. "Uh... Emily, maybe?" "Awh!" "Yeah. B-but don't tell her. She'll stop sleeping with me and I just... I enjoy the sex." "You're taking emotion from it," Jasmine snips, suddenly disapproving. "No. I know she doesn't want... Fuck, I know I can't have Emily. I just... I don't know. I like her, a lot."

Jasmine looks over at the door thoughtfully before meeting my eyes. "Okay. Just please be careful." "I will. Besides, I don't want another crazy incident like when-" Jasmine smiles sadly. "Yeah, Justin. I know."


Vote and comment for update and please please can you add this to a reading list? I would appreciate it so, so much. And TBBT if you have and 'already read' list. Thanks (:

So what the fuck is Justin dreaming about??? Why is Jasmine such an important part of it?

I WILL be making a third 'book' so if you support Genie and Harry, don't be disappointed, because they aren't getting together in Sweet Escape. I already have ideas so if you're interested, keep a look out on info.

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