Little Miss Fiesty

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Emily's interview is taking way too long. I groan and lean against the glass wall outside Starbucks, where she plans to meet me. I sigh as a girl bumps into me. "Excuse you," I grumble. I wince as she whips around. The girl has burning amber eyes outlined in green. Freckles spot her nose and her curly hair is piled on top of her head. It's a dark brown and extremely glossy, like she just got it done. Her skin was tan, but it looked natural instead of orange.

"Excuse who?" She snapped. I lowered my sunglasses, smirking. "Excuse you." "No. You may not know this pretty boy, but there's a thing called manners. Excuse yourself." The girl turned on her heel. I followed. "Woah, woah, little feisty thing. Who are you?" "Someone who's not interested in you." I laughed. "That's okay. I'm taken."

She sits with someone I surprisingly know, a cup already placed on the table for her. "Ryan," I greet with a smile. "Justin," he says, grinning. "Oh. You just went on tour with him," the girl says, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, he's cool," Ryan says, laughing. "Okay," the girl mumbles as she pulls her straw to her lips. "Your girlfriend is cute," I compliment Ryan. The girl chokes on her drink as Ryan laughs. "Oh, no. This is my cousin. I've been here since the tour, staying at her place before I leave again in a few weeks." I feel myself blush for some reason. "Oh. Well, I'm terribly sorry for running into you, babe." The girl stands and leaves without a word.

Ryan laughs and stands. "Sorry about her." "She's feisty." "There's a word." "You two don't look alike so I didn't..." "Yeah, it happens," He says with a chuckle. "I have to go catch up to her." "Yeah. Bye." "Bye."

I place myself at their table and lean back just as Emily enters. Her light hair falling in her eyes, but I can still see the excitement. "Justin! I got the job!" She calls, making her way to me. "Good, babe." "I'm so excited! I get something distract me and a discount on cute underwear." I smirk and she shoots me a look, sitting down. A few people glance over, but a lot of people here are celebrities. It is Hollywood.

"Would you like to go to the beach?" "Nah. I honestly just want to go home. I have to be back in the morning to be trained by a girl." "Okay. Let's go order and we'll leave."


I see Justin outside on the sidewalk, staring into the street. I bet he's tired of waiting on me. I smile at my new co-worker, Genie. "Hey, thanks for the training. "No problem," she says with a grin. "Do you want to come see a movie with me and my boyfriend?" "I... Don't want to interrupt. My cousin and I planned to go eat-" "Bring her. We'll just see a movie and then go eat." She smiles a bit more. "He. Yes, though. I'll go call him." I nod and step outside.

"Hey," I greet. "Hi," he says, bringing me to hug him. "Listen... I asked a friend to come see the movie. She's bringing someone along and we'll all go eat afterwards." He nods. "Okay. Is she hot?" "She's really pretty. But she thinks you're my boyfriend, so I'm sure she won't try anything. She's pretty straight forward." "Alright," he agrees, obviously taken my surprise.

Genie steps out, smiling. "He said that's cool! I hope- Oh, God." I watch her smile drop and her eyes narrow. "Excuse you," Justin muses, a smirk on his face. He hooks an arms tightly around me. "What?" I ask, frowning. "Justin Bieber is your boyfriend?" "How can you tell...?" "I don't want to go anymore." I frown deeper, surprised. "Do you two... Know each other?"

Justin catches on quick. "It's not like that! We ran into each other yesterday at Starbucks. Ryan, one of the guys on the tour, is her cousin." "Oh. So I'll see him again. He's coming. And so are you," I say firmly to Genie. "I'll slap him," she threatens. I smirk. "I'll laugh."

•So Genie. Blah. I hate this chapter but my head is killing me yjdubdkk like it hurts so bad. I wanted to update because I won't update again until next week or the weekend. :( •

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