Sweet Nothing

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So this is going to be the final chapter bc I've been really really busy and I need to start Fire Away like soon because by the summer I won't be able to be on Wattpad anymore BUT there will be an epilogue I may write it like right now but idk so keep a look out babies 


~2 weeks later~ 


The days seemed to crawl by, but soon Jasmine was getting better. I wasn't speaking to Emily, but really I wasn't speaking to anyone at all so it's not like I was taking it all out on her. I love her, I do, but Jasmine is my sister. She's the only person I've ever been able to truly connect with. The baby was alright, still alive. Jasmine wasn't in a coma, she just wasn't able to communicate. She mainly slept anyways. 

The day she spoke was really a magical day. She just kept saying Louis's name. I want Emily to love me like that. Jasmine finally got up and moved around. She kissed Louis and set a date for their wedding when Louis propsed right then. They even learn the baby's gender soon. 

I distract myself a lot. Genie's filming got held back until the new Year so I had her fly out. Harry joined but I couldn't really hang out with him much. Genie and I became close friends and if I ditch her to hang out with Harry, it would most likely hurt her feelings. Okay, maybe not, but I don't want Emily taking Genie away. Genie is the only girl I have right now. Jasmine's still a bit fragile and Emily's still not ready to admit her feelings.

Currently, Genie and I were in my hotel room, playing a game of Uno, waiting on Jasmine's call on the baby's gender. She was still in the hospital so she'd know any minute now. "Uno!" Genie cheered, leaning foward on her knees. I frown and pout. "Bitch..." I place down a yellow three to change from the green cards. She lets out a groan before pulling a card. "Fuck, Justin, you cursed me." "Did not, you big baby." She pulls about four cards before she gets a yellow. "Dick bag." "Slut burger." We make eye contact before bursting into laughter. There was a knock on the door and I called for them to enter.


I drop my two yellow cards as Emily enters, looking around. "Um, hey? Uh... Yeah, can I speak to you, Justin?" I frown as Genie gets up, fluffing her curly hair like the dramatic bitch she is. "Yes, you can. I'll leave you to it." Genie fucking prances off. Emily closes the door behind our actress friend before making her way over. "So, um, I want to talk about Genie, actually." I frown and look down. Oh. "Do you like um... Are you guys a thing?" Emily asked quietly. I knit my eyebrows together. "Like... a couple?" "Mhm?" "What? No, why would you think that?!"  She blushes. "You guys have been close." "I love you, Emily." She smiles softly. "I... I love you, Justin." She giggles as I widen my eyes.


What did she say?

"Say it again," I beg, moving foward. "I love you. So much, I really do," she repeats, throwing her arms around my neck in a hug. I squease her before pulling her into a long awaited kiss. We needed to talk, sure. But I needed this, I needed her reassurance that I was fully awake and she was really telling me this. "Repeat it." I mumble, pushing her gently onto her back. "I love you, I love you, I love you," she giggles against my lips. Just as I slide my hands under her shirt, my phone rings.

"Damn, fuck, shit," I hiss, pulling away and answering Jasmine's call. "Yes?" "Oh my gosh, Justin, Justin, it's... I'm... Oh my goodness," Jasmine rushes. I place the phone on speaker, signaling for Emily to get Genie from the hall. Both girls return as Louis begins speaking. "Oh my, I'm going to have a baby girl. Oh my, oh my..." Genie is suddenly jumping up and down, pulling Emily with her. "Wow," I mumble, laughing softly. "Wow, okay." "We decided we want Justin and Emily to be the godparents," Jasmine added. "Holy crow," Emily squealed. I laughed again. "Wow, yeah, 'course. Wow..."


I intertwine my fingers with Emily's as we walk across a bridge in London, looking around. "We need to talk," I finally speak. "Let's not ruin this..." "I'm not... Just... What are we doing?" "I'm quitting my job." "What?" "I'm quitting," she repeats, looking at me. "Why?" "You're needed, Justin. So many people adore you-" " As well as hate me-" "But you stay true to your career. I love you and I think you're doing good. I should've talked to you... I don't really want to model. I just felt so good that I was needed. But... I'd rather be wanted than needed." "And I want you," I assure her, pulling her in for a sweet kiss.


YAY THE END okay stay tuned for epilogue while I cri

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