A, B, C

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•some of the last chapter was messed up but when I'm finished with this book I'll go into editing.

I've decided on a name for genie's book- Fire Away. Comment "Justin is sexy" if you're planning on reading :p


Justin's fingers laced with mine as we made our way down a path in the park. Oil lanterns lined the path like in an old movie. It was pretty sappy. My phone rang in my pocket and Justin smirked, rolling his eyes. "Answer it, go ahead."

I pulled my phone out of my- Justin's- hoodie before answering Genie's call. "Hello?" "Hey. Can I come over?" "Um... I'm really happy you want to hang out, Genie, but I'm not home. Justin and I are on a walk." "At ten in the evening?" "I'm sorry. I am. Come over tomorrow?" "Nah. I'll see you at work."

I sighed after she hung up. Finally, I get the chance to hang out with Genie but I denied it just to spend time with Justin. He gave me a look but I ignored it as we continued our late-night stroll. I had to tell him.

"Y'know," he started, just as I was about to speak. I looked up at him. He was looking forward, smiling contently. "I was thinking... Do you want to go to college?" "College?" I repeated. "Yes. I know you can't afford it. Would you like to go?" I stared at him in shock. College?

"The only thing I've ever been good at is designing." "Go to a fashion college. I'll pay." "What? I can't let you-" "Please. It'll make me happy to see you happy. And... I want you to be my girlfriend, y'know... Eventually, when you're ready. And we can go find your brother."

I stopped walking. My brother?

"He left me at the orphanage years ago. There's no way we can find him, Justin," I protested. I can't give myself hope. "I'm Justin Bieber. I have ways," he assured me. He was smiling and I didn't know what to say. College? Girlfriend? My brother?

Or... Germany? I love this little modeling job I do. I can't give it up. It's important to me.

"Justin, I need to tell you something... I got a-" "Oh my God, Vicci! It's Justin Bieber!" Justin let out a groan before snatching my hand and taking off.


I ran my fingers through my hair, scrubbing in the conditioner as best as possible. After I rinsed it out, I turned off the water and stepped out of Justin's shower, wrapping a green towel around my body. I dried off and padded into Justin's room. He was asleep on his bed.

I groaned and pulled the Tee he wore today over my head and padded to my room to pull on panties. I plopped into my own bed and opened my lap top. The rumors of Justin and Genie hadn't died down. In fact, it had gotten worse after pictures of Justin and I were taken. People were saying that I was Genie's best friend, which is true, so it was 'cute' that Justin's new 'girlfriend' had a friendly bff. What and ever.

Someone had tweeted Justin's location in the park and had said they seen Genie with him. Genie and I don't even look alike. I scoffed as my phone beeped.

From: Genilicious <3

Girl, I'm dying here. People think I date your boy toy. -.- Xx Genie

To: Genilicious <3

Yeah, apparently that was you in the park with him an hour ago. -E

From: Genilicious <3

At least it keeps them off your back bby Xx Genie

To: Genilicious <3

And on yours :( -E

From: Genilicious <3

Because I can't handle it? Haha, you're hilarious Xx Genie

From: Genilicious <3

Oh. Have you told him yet? Xx Genie

To: Genilicious <3

Nope :( I'm so scared -E

From: Genilicious <3

Take charge. This is your career, hun, he has to deal. Xx Genie

I made a decision right then, a decision to CAMG. Call All My Girls.

To: Genilicious <3

Come over? Still up for it? I know it's late but -E

From: Genilicious <3

On my way (:

I pulled up a new conversation.

To: Jas Hands

Are you up? Isn't it like seven there? -E

From: Jas Hands

Yes and yes. Baby is moving. (: -Jas

To: Jas Hands

Awh Jasmine (: Okay where's Louis at? -E

From: Jas Hands

About to make the announcement of 1D's break on live television -Jas

To: Jas Hands

Okay... Skye me?


Genie and I sat on my bed around midnight. Her legs were folded and her eyes were sharp. Her hazel gaze was focused on the screen, where Jasmine was looking up at the ceiling. Her hair was back to candy apple red like usual and her pink lips were pursed.

I'd told Jasmine of everything just now. I want opinions. I even added about the things Justin offered tonight. Now Genie was reconsidering.

"Okay. Well, Em, I'll tell you what I'd do," Jasmine started. "You wait it out. You accept the offer to Germany and wait like a week before your plane leaves. Then, Justin has to let you go, but it'll be so sudden, he can't break up with you." "As logical as that sounds," Genie said sarcastically, "Justin deserves to have an opinion in this." "They aren't together," Jasmine sided. "They might as well be. They're really into each other and if Emily makes a dumb decision-" "I know my Justin." "He's not yours anymore!" Genie shouted.

I stared at the small girl in shock. Her tiny hands were balled into fists and her eyes were a sharp emerald. Her cheeks and ears were blazing red. "Jasmine... I wasn't here and haven't known you long enough to evaluate your relationship with Justin. But I know you are close to him. But... You have to understand that Justin isn't your brother. He's not your boyfriend. He's Emily's. Not her boyfriend, exactly, but he is hers. You honestly wouldn't leave Louis without-" "I love Louis!" "Talk to me like that one more time and I swear-"

I immediately clicked "end call". Genie was shaking. "Genie.... I think Jasmine knows Justin better. Shouldn't I take her advise?" Genie didn't say anything. She pulled on her leather jacket, grabbed her Vespa helmet, and left my room.


Who's side are you on? Vote!

Jasmine says to leave it alone and let it unfold because she knows Justin will do something cute to win her heart when she leaves.

Genie says to tell Justin how she feels and to let him have a say in what the choice will be.

Emily says to just tell Justin straight up she's going to Germany and let him decide what to do about it.

I may go by votes if there is at least five, but if I don't, I'll dedicate chapters to who is right. If I get five votes, I'll make the revealing chapter (I think the one after the next) the longest chapter so far. If not, I'll make it my length. Bye

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