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•I literally wrote this chapter so quick damn So excuse me but WARNING it's only 9:38 pm I'm not postin until tomorrow so I can check over mistakes bc I didn't go to sleep until six this morning I got smashed and ended up making out with a dude and yeah so thanks for your concern

:-* Enjoy a fluffy chapter! •


I sighed and peered at the clock. It was almost ten at night. Sadly, Justin hadn't taken me out tonight. I slowly laid down and tried to hold back sobs. I mean... I was going to quit my trip to Germany if I was certain Justin and I could end up together and stay that way. I liked him a lot.

My phone rang and I answered with trembling hands. "H-hello?" "Em? Are you crying?" Genie asked with her clear, firm voice. I immediately broke down at the sound. "Hey, babe, why are you crying?" She cooed. I let out a shaky sob, trying to pull myself together. I haven't cried so hard in seemingly forever.

After a few minutes of silence, my breath picked back up to a steady pace. "Why are you crying?" And I explained. I told Genie about Justin asking me on a date, my answer, Sandra's offer, my decision, and Justin ditching me to go to a club. Genie's voice hesitated, as if she was trying to stay calm. I could imagine tiny Genie, sitting on her black-feathered beanbag chair, taking large gulps of air and mentally daring herself not to shout or cuss. It made Emily giggle.

"What?" Genie managed the subject change, smiling a bit. "You're so cute. I can see you counting down on your fingers!" "I'll stick these fingers up your-" "I get it! Anyways... I'm sorry I called. I just didn't-" "Baby, you call again if you need me. I hope all goes well, but I need to go punch a wall."

Emily's thoughts zoned out after Genie hung up. Maybe Emily should attempt to talk Genie into therapy. Anger management classes were perfect for that ball of fury.

The lights suddenly flickered on in my room. Justin was at the door, grinning. He didn't look drunk in the least. I watched him move towards me and set a stack of movies, a bad of Sour Cream and Onion Ruffles, and a few packs of Starbucks on the bed. "Movie night, m'lady? Wait... Why're you crying?" Justin's tone softened as he sat down.

Suddenly, I leapt towards him, laughing and shaking. He didn't go out. He tricked me. I laughed again and he followed suit. "Are you on your period, Em?" I blushed and shook my head. "No. Let's watch a movie." "Or four," he giggled, actually giggled, and put pitch perfect into the movie player.

The two of cuddled on my bed and sang along with the movie. Suddenly, Justin's lips found mine in a short, sweet kiss. "I like you," he said with a shy half-smile. "I like you," I repeated, pulling him down for another small kiss.

I couldn't help but think... Germany... Or this?

•I can explain. I write my stories in my notes. The original chapter's note got deleted and then the second time I wrote it, it didn't save but half of it, so I'm sorry.

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