Pinch, Bite, and Shove

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I slowly made my way down the walkway of Genie's beach house. It was odd how we started off hating each other and now I was coming to her for advice. When I got to the door, I heard lots of yelling. I furrowed my eyebrows and stepped inside. I was suprised to see Harry pinning Genie to the wall. I was not surprised to see Genie's red face and furious look. She was pissed.

"Am I interupting something?" I drawl out casually, placing my scrappy messenger bag onto the floor. Genie shoved Harry away from her and glared at me. "Sort of. I invited Harry over to have a nice little... chat." "You punched me as soon as I stepped in the fucking door!" "Go fuck yourself." "You can do that for me, Princess." With an animal-like growl, Genie launched herself at Harry. I grumbled and moved foward to wrap my arms around her small, wriggling figure. "Let go!" she hissed, pinching my forearm. I grimaced but didn't remove my hold on her. "Harry, mate, can you...?" "Yeah. I'll head back to yours." "Oh! Don't tell Emily you saw me. If she asks, you haven't heard from me at all today, got it?" "Uh... yeah."

Harry left just as Genie bit me. "You little bitch," I whined, letting go of her to rub my wrist. "Correct yourself. Queen bitch." "That's definately you." "Thanks. Now what do you want?" "Answers." "On what?" I knelt down and pulled the letter from my bag before handing it too her. Her hazel eyes zipped across the words before moving back up to me. "Where did you...?" "Her underwear drawer. What the fuck is it?" Genie placed a hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow. "Justin, I know you miss her when she's gone, but-" "I was looking for her swim suit, you twat." "Okay, okay. Does she know that you know?" "Nope. I left before she came home." "What are you going to do?" I raise an eyebrow. What do you mean?" "Like... are you going to confront her? Go with her?" "Go... with her? To Germany?!" "Yes." "No! I'm a celebrity. I can't just... My music is important to me." "Modeling is important to her." 

Fuck Genie and her logic.


Short but hey it's a chapter and next one will be long and reveal what happens hehe

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