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@Sunshinejay I almost didn't update bc you said my characters were dipshits );

There needs to be conflict everything can't be all happy ):

I'm sorry, I love you



I sat in the corner of the room, examining my surroundings. White, white, and white. I've only been here for two weeks and I'm already in the hospital. There was a small knock on the door before it was opened. Louis entered, giving me a wary look, before taking a seat beside me and handing me my requested pack of Ritz crackers. "I have to leave in an hour, reember?" he spoke softly, fiddling with the cap of his water bottle. "I know, man... I might as well head out." "C'mon, Justin... You know Jasmine wouldn't want you to leave just to avoid Emily, right?" "Well, Jasmine can't exactly tell me that right now, can she?" I snapped, standing up in anger before storming from the room, not looking back. 

After a walk around a few blocks, I decided to head back to the hospital and apologize. Louis was just hurting right now. Jasmine was already almost four months pregnant, the baby would make it. But Jasmine's kidneys were swelling and she wasn't doing so well. That's why we've been stuck in the hospital for two days. Emily was currently on her way but Genie nor Harry could make it due to fittings and interviews setting up for their new film. They would begin casting in another two weeks. It was mid-November now and I was due to return to California soon but what with Jasmine having these problems and One Direction's current split, Louis needed me. He needed me there for him.

I sulked back up into Jasmine's hospital room to find Louis crying in the chair beside her bed. I sighed and made my way to sit on the arm of the chair, rubbing his shoulder as he cried. "Y'know," I spoke when he calmed down a little, "Jasmine has been through a lot... She's going to make it." "I... I know... But she'll be so weak and... last time she got out of the hospital, she constantly downed herself. I caught her trying to cut, yeah... And I just... I don't want that again, especially with a little baby on the way... My baby..." Louis rubbed his red eyes and looked up at me. "I know you've known her forever... But I feel like I have as well... And I love her so much, so, so much..." 

I rubbed my temples before grabbing my coat and keys. "I'm going to pick Emily up from the airport. I'll let you... Chill, ya?" Louis smile weakly. "Thanks, mate."


The airport was crowded. I feel like I've been in a bollion airports before, leaving the people I love, but the person I love is about to be here... I have to admit, I miss her terribely, but she made the desicion to leave me. She did this to us, not me.

"Justin?'' I whipped around to see Emily, her blonder hair looking even more natural, her hazel eyes red. Her cheeks were pale and she looked very tired. "Hey," I mumbled, grabbing her suitcases from her hands. "Uh, I thought Lou-" "No way, he's a wreck. We're going to stay at a hotel tonight and you can visit the hospital tomorrow morning." "But-" I shot her a look, daring her to argue. She didn't. 

I drove my rented car out to a hotel near the hospital, the one I rented a room in a couple of days ago. I led her upstiars and straight into my room, placing her bags beside the bed. "I'll get you a seperate room now, if you'd likie," I spoke for the first time since we left the airport. "Oh... Yeah, I mean... I'll pay for-" "I got it." "Okay... Can we eat first?" I nodded and led her down to the hotel's dining area. It was large and nice but Emily and I just made it awkward. "Uh... how are things?" She spoke carefully after a waiter took our orders. "Shitty," I mumbled in reply. "Oh... I'm sorry." "Okay." "Justin-" "I haven't slept with anyone," I blurted out. "What?" "I haven't... hooked up with random girls. I haven't drunken a drop of alchohal... I haven't eaten much... I don't watch television or read magazines... I'm lost." Emily just stared at me. "And you know what sucks?" I continued, my voice craacking. Emily frowned. "I could change that by coming back to Germany with you... But I'm just so selfish." 

We stayed silent as a waiter gave us our meals. Then, he left.

:Justin?" "Hmm?" "You aren't selfish." "What?" "You're just scared." "Scared?" "You're scared to be in love." "At least I'm not scared to fall in love."

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