Chapter 13 - One Step Closer

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Charlie's P.O.V. 

"She's against you now." The voice whispered.

"What do you want!" I screamed, but it came out no more than a cry in the wind in the empty yellow room. 

"He's dead." I flinched, what was going on? "She wanted him dead." 

"Stop!" I begged, "Please, stop. I don't want to hear about this. I won't believe it!" I yelled into the emptiness.

"You're next." The voice whispered into my ear. 

My eyes opened instantly and I checked my surroundings. I was in my room... It was just a dream... Just a dream...

I wanted to break down, to just cry. I didn't understand what was going on. But that's life. Complicated so nobody understands it. 

 I walked downstairs to see the boys laying on the floor of the den, sprawled out in random positions. I chuckled to myself and walked over to an empty space between Niall and James. Laying down, I snuggled up against James back and fell asleep. 

Niall's P.O.V. 

I woke up to the sound of shuffling, some movement, and a sigh. I forced opened an eye to see what was going on, and there was Charlie. Sleeping next to me and James. I couldn't help but wonder, what caused her to come down here.

 Her hair flowed over her back and shoulders like a mini waterfall. I laughed at myself, was I really just comparing her hair to a waterfall?

I stared at her back, wishing I could see her face. I thought about how mysterious she was, not telling anyone anything, and letting them find out them self.

My eyes flickered to a spot of black, behind her hair. I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out what it was. A tattoo.

I brushed her hair off to one side of her shoulder, and examined it. It was written on the back of her neck in small cursive like letters. 

Unum Gradus propius

I strained trying to think what it meant, or even just what language it was. 

"One Step Closer." A voice spoke. I looked up to see James looking down at Charlie. "It's in latin." He whispered while I scrunched up my nose in confusion. How did she know Latin? 

James chuckled, "I know, I was suprised too. Apparently dad taught it to her, it was like a secret language for them." He sighed. 

"One step closer.." I whispered. What did that mean to her?

"It was her answer for everything." James chuckled, "She always said she was one step closer. One step closer to finding out what she wanted, to love, to life, to freedom." He looked up to the ceiling and layed on his back. "She says it 'cause dad said it to her. Whenever she had a problem, he's always say 'One step closer baby doll, then you'll get it.' So that's what she did."

He lifted his head up. "She always lived by that..I don't understand..." He looked toward me, "Why isn't it working now?"

James layed back down and sighed. I looked back down at her tattoo. One step closer.. I whispered in my mind. Closer... Closer to what?

Authors Note: Another short chapter! haha I kinda didn't know what else to write... But you got two chapters today!  :) Vote, Comment, Fan, Whatever! I'll try and update tomorrow! :) Thanks for reading. 

Hannah xx

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