Chapter 12 - Infinite just happens

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Charlie's P.O.V.

"LOUIS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIRBRUSH?!" Harry's scream echoed in the hallway. Oh, the joy of waking up to screaming, note the sarcasm. I dragged myself out of the mass of tangled blankets and walked into the hallway.

"What's going on?" I rubbed my eyes sleepily. I looked up and saw Harry standing in the doorway of his room. A smile tugged at my lips and I couldn't hold in my laughter. A Hairbrush, midway through his hair, was stuck there. I walked over still laughing and tugged at it. The brush did nothing, but Harry screamed. Of course, because it was stuck there, the situation became a lot funnier, and a broke out into another laughing fit. 

"It is safe to come out?" Louis' head peeked out of a room. Harry growled as Louis' eyes widened. 

"No it is not." Harry gritted out through his teeth. Of course, that just made me laugh harder. Harry pushed me out of the way, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground, bringing on another laughing fit. 

I got up, deciding I'd let Harry and Louis sort this out themselves, and walked down to the kitchen where the rest of the boys were. "Thank you!" I said in a sing song voice, while taking a bite out of a pop tart that previously belonged to James. I hopped onto a stool and gave him puppy dog eyes. 

"Alice is coming today." James stated, causing me to choke on the poptart.

"What? Why?!" I complained. Alice was my "therapist". She doesn't help at all, just asks stupid questions that wont ever help me in life. James shrugged and walked to the fridge, grabbing a juice box. I sighed and stomped up the stairs.


Charlie's P.O.V. 

"Hey there! Lets try and make this quick, I've got somewhere to be." Alice squealed, being the enthusiastic person she was. 

"Hey.." I replyed dully. I wasn't sure if she got the point that I didn't want her here, although I thought I made it pretty clear. 

"So, I looked at those questions you wrote down. Pretty weird things you wanna know, huh?" I snorted. She seriously thought I cared about those things? "But I mean the 'Where's Waldo' one was pretty reasonable. I think we all want to know that, he's in all those books but seriously, Where is he?" I choked on the water I was drinking. Was she some kind of mad women? I don't care where he is. "Oh, and I'm glad you're a firm believer of fish, Charlie." Yah, she was insane. 

Niall's P.O.V. 

We all sat in the den, well except Charlie. She was outside talking to Alice. We could see them through the glass door, as they sat down on the porch furniture. We could hear what they said too, some of it was muffled, but still understandable. 

We all pretended we weren't hearing what they were saying, but it was hard not to listen. We all pretended we were watching the TV, but it was obvious we weren't. 

This women was blabbing on about how her questions could help her through life. She's a nut ball. I'm pretty sure I was the only one who understood what she was talking about because I had read the questions. 

"Alright, now the last question. That one really caught my attention. 'What does it feel like to be infinite?' Good question." She spoke. Charlie arched her eye brows, It was easy to tell she didn't want to talk about it. "So, why do you want to feel infinite?" Charlie bit her lip and looked down to her fidgeting fingers. 

"I hear.." she sighed, "That you feel... amazing. And that nothing else in the world matters for that moment. You're just completley free. Free from.. Problems. People. Life. Everything. You can be whoever you want in that matter of time. You don't have to pretend. It's just a feeling that comes over you, and you wish it would last forever." I looked up from the TV, even though I hadn't been watching.   I noticed that all the other boys did too. What she said was truly incredible.

We didn't care about them noticing us listening in. We just watched what was happening. 

"Interesting..." Alice sighed, looking at Charlie questionably. "What do you do to make yourself feel infinite?" Alice questioned her. 

Charlie looked up from her lap, and stared straight into Alice's eyes.

"I'll know when I feel it."

Authors Note: Short chapter, I know. But I'll update later tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for reading! Comment, Fan, Vote, Whatever! :)

Hannah xx

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