Chapter 10 - Confused & Imaginary Swings

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James P.O.V.

"Someone get the phone!" Ah, what a pleasant way to wake up. Your sisters scream ordering you to do something, echoing throughout the house. As the phone kept ringing I sighed and dragged myself out of bed. If no one else was answering it, I guess I would. 

"Hello?" 12 already? Did I really sleep that late?

"James, is that you honey?" Mom. Crap. I haven't called her since I left London. 

"Hey Ma..."

"Why didn't you call me? Well never mind that, How's Charlotte?" I trudged down the stairs, heading to the kitchen, where I'm guessing the rest of the boys were, due to all the noise coming from the room. 

"She's doing good." 

"JAMES! 'Bout time you woke up! Want breakfast?" Harry screamed. I motioned to him that I was on the phone and for them to quiet down. His mouth formed the shape of an "O" and then he continued making toaster waffles. 

"That's great, I knew you could help, can I talk to her?"

"Erm.. Yah. I'll get her." I held the phone away from me and yelled out the door, "CHARLIEE! Come here!" I heard scrambling upstairs meaning she was most likely on her way down. Right when I sat down at the table, she burst through the door. 

"Mornin' Guys! Who was on the phone?"

"Uhmm... It was... Mom.." She wrinkled up her nose in disapproval, getting questioning looks from the rest of the boys. "And she wants to.. uhm.. talk to you." Her face went blank and emotionless. 

"What?" she whispered

"Here.." I cautiously handed her the phone. She stared down at it and finally lifted it up to her ear, while walking out of the room. "This can't be good." I mumbled, leaving the boys even more confused.

Charlie's P.O.V.

Why? Why does she want to talk to me? We've never gotten along, and why start now? She didn't want me to do anything my way, it was always all about her. I refused to live the life she wanted me to and she thinks everything is suddenly okay? I just don't want to talk to her. "Charlotte sweetie, are you there?" Great. 

"Charlie Ma, it's Charlie." Why doesn't she get I don't like being called that?

"Nonsense, your a girl! Girls don't have boy names!" 

"What do you want Ma?" I sighed. 

"I just want to know how you're feeling, sweetie."

"I'm great, can I go now?" I really didn't want to talk to her...

"Charlotte... I really think you're making a big deal out of this." Big deal? A big deal out of what? "I don't understand why you can't just, oh, I don't know, forget, about your father? He's gone, there's nothing you can do about it." Forget? Forget? Forget? She wants me to just forget about him? 

"Mom! He's my father I can't just forget about him!" Was she crazy?

"Oh sure you can. Just don't think about him, it can't be that hard. I just moved on." Completely? 

"Mom.. I know you're trying to help. But.. you're not. I'm doing fine. I'm not going to forget dad, and I am moving on." 

"Charlotte, just forget him. He's not coming back. What good is it loving a dead person? They can't love you back." Did she seriously just say that? Did she not care that her husband died? 

"Mom! Why would you say that?! You were married to him! Married! You knew him longer than I did! Shouldn't you be upset?!" I couldn't believe she said that. I couldn't believe it. I've lost all my respect for her now.

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