Chapter 18 - Realization

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Charlie's P.O.V.

The gun shot echoed through the room. I clenched my fist on top of the piano, squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come. But it didn't. 

There were screams. Voices. But none of them were mine. I could here James yelling at someone and crying, Raymond trying to talk to everybody, Zayn and Liam trying to calm James down, Niall, Louis, and Harry's voices were close, and getting closer. They were trying to tell me something but I couldn't understand.

All I could think of was the scream. It was blood curtling. It echoed in my mind. If it wasn't me who screamed, who did? 

I slowly opened my eyes. Niall, Harry, and Louis were all staring at me, their mouths were moving but not sound came out. No sound that I could understand at least. Everything sounded like gibberish, except the scream. It was still fresh in my mind. 

"Mom.." I heard James whisper. And it all came to me.

It was mom who screamed. 

I tried to think of what happened after the gun shot. I remember voices, footsteps, a thump, her scream, and more voices.

I stood up quickly and turned to face where I had first heard the scream. And there she was, laying on the floor, blood dripping down her body. She was dead. 

I slowly walked towards her and kneeled down. My hand reached out and cupped her cheek, tears dripping down my face. 

A hand reached towards me and landed on my shoulder, making my heart beat fast and my body tingle. I turned around, my face inches from his. He studied my face, examining my features, staring into my eyes. "You're alive." he whispered. I slowly nodded, not breaking my gaze from his eyes. "Oh, thank god." He sobbed as he pulled me into a hug, my face squished against his chest, and him repeatedly kissing the top of my head. I listened to his steady heart beat and the cries of people in the room. I looked up and stared into his blue eyes. She was gone. My mom was gone. "They're both gone..." I whispered, "They're both gone, Niall."

He hugged me tighter, and I cried into his chest. "It's okay.." he whispered in my ear. "Everything's gonna be okay."

I was in a dark room, it was silent and eery. 

I felt a sharp pain in the side of my stomach, I fell to the ground, my head resting against the cold metal of the cuffs on my hands. Screams echoing around me. I couldn't tell if they were mine or my mothers, the world was going fuzzy. 

Words whispered in and out of my words but none of it made sense. 

Voices. There were voices. My mother, my dad, James, Niall, People from school, people on the streets, The rest of the boys, Voices. It felt like the whole world was in the room. I heard them all, but only my mother was here. 

"Say hello to your father for me." was whispered into my ear, sending chills down my whole body. The pain doubled and I tried to scream, but everything went blank. 

the scene quickly changed, the room was wooden. I was in a church.

I was playing the piano. 

I finished the last note, and stopped. The church was quiet. I didn't look up.

And then there was a gun shot.

There was a blood curdling scream, a thump, people crying. 

The world started to blur, and then it was clear. I was in the same room, but this time I wasn't on the stage playing piano. Well, I was but I was also in the back of the church, watching myself. I looked so calm. 

The last note finished, I knew what was going to happen next. I tried screaming, to warn myself that raymond had a gun, but nothing came out.

And then there was the gun shot. 

My mother was next to Raymond, she saw it all coming. She ran jumping in front of me, the bullet hit her body and she screamed. Her lifeless body fell to the floor. She was dead. 

I screamed, I cried, but nobody heard me. I tried running towards her, but my body wouldn't move. 

And then the world blurred again, but this time it didn't go clear. 

I opened my eyes. It was all just a dream. None of that happened right? But I was wrong. That was exactly what had happened. Tears ran down my cheeks. 

I examined where I was without moving. I was home, in the den. Everyone else was there too, all watching TV. My head was in Niall's lap, and my feet lay on top of James. I was no longer wearing the dirty white dress. 

"Charlie was supposed to die! Not her mother!" I turned my attention to the TV. It was Raymond speaking. I watched him, listening to what he had to say. He told the same story he told me in mother, he told the people all his plans, and then he said he was going to jail.

I smiled, it was all over. I wouldn't have to worry about him any more. Niall's fingers brushed through my hair, twirling it around his fingers.

I smiled to myself. Niall barley knew me when he came here, but he still helped me. He was patient with me, he understood me. At this point, I could truly say I was falling for him. 

And then I fell asleep, with a smile on my face.

Authors Note: Don't Worry! This ISN'T the end! :) There's still more chapters coming, I can't just leave Niall and Charlie together like this! haha. I feel stupid because I clicked Save when I finished and I didn't know why it wasn't publishing.. and I just noticed a couple minutes ago that I never clicked "Save & Publish". And I wrote this 3 hours ago. Can you say stupid much? Thanks so much to everybody who is reading this, and thanks for all the feedback! Vote, Comment, Fan, whatever! :)

Hannah xx

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