Fred Weasley- Goodbye

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'I continuously fought Death Eater after Death Eater. Spells and hexes were thrown left and right.

I stood by Fred Weasley, my best friend and long- time crush since second year. He and I fought side by side, and back to back. Being the valiant Gryffinor he is, Fred kept deflecting spells and hexes sent my way, and didn't bother to protect himself.

With sweat dripping off of my forehead, into my eyes, and a determined glint in my eye, I finally cleared out the Death Eaters attacking us. Fred smiled shortly and high- fived me.

"I just want to say, in case one of us dies, I love you. I have since first year, and I will love you forever," he said, looking into my eyes. Realisation dawned on me. We may never make it out of here alive.

So, with tears in my eyes, I said, "Fred, I love you too. I'll never stop." He smiled and wiped away my tears with his thumb. Then, he leaned down and connected his lips with mine.

Pulling apart, I gave him a longing look, before we got back to fighting. We sent spell after spell to the oncoming wave of Death Eaters.

As I sent a crucio to the Death Eater in front of me, I heard the unforgivable killing curse shouted, then a thud.

I turned to see whose body had fallen, and then I realised just how much I loved Fred. He had died protecting me. Now fueled by grief and anger, I attacked every Death Eater in sight, casting the most unforgivable spells.


I knelt beside Fred's lifeless body, sobs escaping me. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed his cold lips one last time. I pulled away, and ran my hands through my hair.

"No!" I heard from behind me. It was George, Fred's twin. He knelt on the oter side of Fred and sobbed over him. The rest of the Weasleys gathered around and mourned the loss of their loved one.

Molly Weasley pulled all of us into a hug. She kissed each and every one of our heads. When she got to me, she looked into my eyes for the longest time. Her eyes had rivers running out of them, and so did mine.

"We win some, we lose some," I said. She cracked a small smile, then pulled me into the tightest of hugs.

"Thank you for loving my son," she said. I hugged her tighter.

"Thank you for being his mother, and acting as my mother," I said. Molly and I pulled apart. The Weasley family, except George, gathered into another hug.

I stood by George silently, conversing with him using my eyes. Eventually, he pulled me into a hug and allowed his dam to break. 

"George, I am sorry it came to this. And to think, I should be the one without life. Your brother died for me, George. I- I can only repay him by being there for you," I said.

George pulled out of the hug and looked into my eyes. "George, if ever you need someone to talk to, I'm there for you," I assured him. George nodded and pulled me back into a hug.


The day of Fred's funeral was not the best.

I sat in the crowd of people and listened to the speeches of everyone. When it came my turn to speak, my eyes began to water. I rose, and stood before the crowd.

"Fred Weasley and I met in our second year. We were in potions together. I remember that I was sitting behind him and George, and had just sat down, when Fred and George started laughing uncontrollably. I didn't understand what was going on, until Professor Snape came in with blue hair. I realised then that I liked Fred.

Over the course of the year, I would see the aftermath of Fred and George's pranks, and I developed a huge crush on Fred. One year, I was being bullied by a fellow student and Fred pranked my bully.

Eventually, he, George and I became friends. They pranked my bully, and in return, I did their homework. When i came home from break witha black eye, Fred pestered me about it.

After that, any time we had a break from school, he invited me to the Burrow, so I wouldn't have to go home. His family became my second family.

On the day of the Battle of Hogwarts, Fred and I fought side by side. I was fighting a Death Eater, and Fred was helping me out. We managed to defeat the Death Eater, and Fred and I high- fived.

He told me that he loved me," I stopped, wiping tears from my eyes, "and I told him that I loved him too. I didn't realise just how much he loved me, until he died saving me," by then, I had broken down, "I remain true to the words I told him. 'I will always love you', and I still love him. Even if I do find someone else, Fred Weasley will always have a place in my heart," I finish.

I looked out into the crowd and found Molly and Arthur, who were holding onto each other tightly. I nodded in their direction and stepped down. I went back to my seat, residing by George.

He nodded to me. I placed a hand on his knee and patted it, assuring that I would keep my promise to be there for him and to always love his brother.

He looked into my eyes, where I saw grief and sadness with a twinge of something else.


As everyone left, I went to Fred's lifeless body. "Freddie, I will remain true to my promise. I will always love you, even when it seems that I don't. I'll take care of your brother for you. Thank you, by the way, for saving me. Goodbye, Fred. Wait for me, please," I said. I turned and followed everyone out.

I went back to my small home, where Fred once wouldn't allow me to go, and went into my room. There, I broke down.

"Goodbye, Fred," I whispered one last time before I went to the Burrow to be there for George.'


"Alright, Freddie. Off to bed." "But mum! What happened next?" Fred asks.

"Well, I kept my promises. I still love Fred very much, and that's partly why you were named after him. And, as for George," I look up to my husband who, surprisingly, has remained quiet this whole time, "I married him," I say.

Fred grins widely. "I knew it!" Fred says, pulling the covers over him. George chuckles and kisses Fred's head.

"Alright, get some sleep. You go back to Hogwarts tomorrow," George says. I smile, watching my boys.

George and I leave Fred's room and close the door. I move out of the hallway and into the kitchen to make tea. George wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm so glad you kept your promise," he says into my ear. "I'm glad too," I say, pouring the water into a cup.

"If you wouldn't have, then I wouldn't have my beautiful family," he says, sighing contentedly. "Couldn't agree more," I say.

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