Young Remus Lupin- Contaminate😷

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Prompt- Remus is afraid to kiss you, his girlfriend, because he thinks that he'll contaminate you and turn you into a werewolf. Also, you're Sirius' sister.

Warnings - One dirty line


You smile at James and Sirius, who've got each other in a headlock. Remus sighs and pulls them apart, scolding them on their behaviour. You laugh softly, before Sirius hoists you up and slings you over his shoulder.

You pound on his back and kick him. "Sirius Orion Black, let me down! Remus, help me, please! Sirius, if you love me, let me go," you scream. Your brother doesn't let you down, resulting in your boyfriend prying you off your brother. James snickers as Remus pulls you into his arms. You kick Sirius in the gut for good measure. Remus manages to get you settled down and gives you an adoring look.

"Come on, love. Let's look at the stars," he says, taking your hand. You smile and follow him to the astronomy tower. James and Sirius catcall as you leave with Remus. "Use protection!" Sirius shouts as you exit. You give him the finger, then place your hand in Remus'. He gives you a small smile as he pulls you up the staircase.

"Come on, you're so slow," he says playfully. You swat his arm. "Drag me, Mr. Gotta Go Fast," you say. Remus rolls his eyes playfully, and picks you up. "As you wish, love," Remus says. He picks you up and slings you over his shoulder. Remus runs up the remaining stairs.

Once inside the astronomy tower, Remus lets you down. You sit down, Remus following suit. You take his hand in yours, leaning into him, as you observe the starry night sky.

Remus doesn't look at the sky. He admires you. He admires the light of the stars that shines upon you, making you look angelic. Remus smiles softly and pulls you closer. You look up at Remus, to see him admiring you.
"Do you like the view?" you ask. Remus chuckles. "No. I love the view," he replies, referring to you. You smile. Slowly, the two of you lean in, but Remus pulls away. He shuffles awkwardly, clearing his throat. You sigh, disappointed.


You play with your food, frowning at your plate.

Why didn't Remus kiss you? Is something wrong with you? Does he not mean the words he spoke? Does he love another? Was he referring to another when he was speaking of loving his view?

You sigh and shove your plate away, having only taken one bite. Remus shifts guiltily in his seat, sensing the reason for you to be like this. Sirius drops his fork on the table and sighs.

"Alright. What did you do to her Moony?" Sirius asks, jaw set. Remus sighs, pushing his pate away from him. "Sirius, mind your business. Leave Remus alone," you say. Sirius eyes you suspiciously. "You are my sister, Y/N Black. If he hurt you, tell me. I'll take care of him," Sirius says.

You stand up, slamming your fists on the table, causing everyone to jump. "Let it alone, dog. It's my business and Remus' business what happened. Not yours. Stay. Out. Of. It," you spit out, venom lacing your every word.

You stalk off, making sure to slam the doors of the Great Hall behind you.


"Sorry, Y/N. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay," Sirius says. You sigh. "I'm sorry too. It's just that my feelings were conflicted. I love Remus and yes, he did something, but he didn't hurt me," you say. Sirius places a hand on yours.

"Tell your favourite brother what happened," Sirius says, arms held out, as if inviting you to embrace him. You allow him to hug you.

"We went to the astronomy tower to see the stars. They were very pretty. They twinkled and sparkled up there in that sky. Remus wasn't looking at the stars. He was too busy admiring me. We exchanged some nice words, then began to lean in. Just before our lips could meet, Remus pulled away. Now I am questioning whether he meant what he said or not, " you say.

Sirius sighs. "He most likely meant every word. When it's just us boys, he gushes about his love for you. It's never- ending. Sometimes, we just walk away from him. He doesn't even notice," Sirius says. You snort, cracking a smile. "Imagine that," you say. Sirius smiles.

"Feeling any better?" he asks. You nod. "Should I ask Remus about it?" you ask. "Yeah. You should if you want answers," Sirius says.


The only empty seat in the classroom is beside Remus. You smile to yourself; you can get the answers you need to the questions you have for him.

You sit down, placing your books on your desk. Remus gives you a small smile, unease in his eyes. You smile at him in return, reassuring him that you're not mad. You hold out your hand, which Remus takes. You squeeze his hand to assure him that he has nothing to be worried about.

As the lesson begins, you pull out a piece of parchment. You release your hand from Remus' to write him a note. Curious, Remus watches as you write:

'I'm not mad at you. Just want to know what happened.'

Remus writes:

'I'm worried that If I kiss you, i'll contaminate you with my werewolf genes. '

You read the parchment, and shake your head. You write:

'They can only be passed through a bite or scratch given while you're a werewolf.'

Remus reads this and sighs. He writes:

'Did you do research?'

You snort, writing:

'Yeah. Totally safe to kiss.'

Remus reads this and smiles. He takes your hand in his, then kisses it, looking into your eyes.


Hand in hand with Remus, you walk down the hall. Remus stops suddenly, just watching you. "What?" you ask. He smiles, pulling your chest against his. You raise an eyebrow, but say nothing. Remus gently presses his lips to yours. You reciprocate the kiss, deepening it.

"Get some, Moony! Get some," Sirius and James yell. You don't pay attention to them, however, and continue the snogging session with your boyfriend.

"Remus Lupin. Y/N Black. If you are to snog in the corridors, please do so after the school day has ended. You will be late to your next class," Dumbledore says.

You pull apart from Remus, smiling shyly. "Sorry sir," you say. Dumbledore chuckles. "Quite alright, children. Now go on before you're late. You may resume your snogging session after school," Dumedore says, winking.

You look at Remus. He looks at you. "After school? By the Black Lake?" you ask. "Yes. We will resume this there," Remus says. Dumbledore smiles and strides down the hall. You and Remus go to the next class.

You can't wait to resume snogging with Remus.

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