Severus Snape 🥀 The (Not So Secret) Secret

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Continuation of Half-blood Princess

Prompt- students find out about your marriage to Professor Snape.

Request- @FriendlyFan3000

A/N-Also, I'm going to give the reader a random last name just so I don't have to type L/N. And I'm using Harry Potter wikia since I haven't watched Harry Potter in a while, so any discrepancies should be taken up with wikia, not me.

One more thing, this was requested 8 months ago. I am so sorry that it has taken this long!


You sit at the table with the rest of the professors, looking into the crowd of first years. One in particular catches your eye; Harry Potter.

As he makes his way to the sorting hat, you smile slightly and pat Severus' thigh. He gives you a look, meaning for you to not do that, but you take no heed.

"That's James and Lily's son," you say. Severus rolls his eyes.

"Yes, the infamous Boy Who Lived. I'm not blind," he says. You sigh and remove your hand from his thigh. Severus watches Harry sit at the Griffyndor table and scoffs.

"Just like that measly father of his,"Severus grumble.

You sigh, watching as the crowd of first years thins out. Severus removes his gaze on Harry, and casts it upon you. He takes your hand in his and intertwines your fingers under the table.

A small smile appears on your lips.


I close the doors of the classroom, turning quickly to face the curious eyes of my students. My expression remains unreadable to them as I stride to the front.

"I am Professor Blewitt. As you know, I will be teaching Ancient Studies. Any questions before we begin?" I ask, expecting the typical head shaking and silence. Instead, I receive the  raised hand of a curious Ravenclaw, aching to learn more about you.

"Yes, Miss Shufflebottom?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Um, this is a personal question, if that's alright," she says meekly. I nod, allowing her to continue.

"I noticed your wedding band, and I was wondering: Who is your husband?" The class turns their curious looks toward me, eager to know. I smile slyly.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I say. Then, thinking better of it, I smirk.

"How about this, if you can figure out the identity of my husband, I will give you an O on a major project," I offer. The students nod their heads eagerly.

"Any more questions?" I ask. The hand of Ron Weasley shoots up.

"Yes, Mr Weasley?"

"Can we have any hints?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I'm afraid not. You will have to use your skills of observation and deductive reasoning to figure it out," I say. Another hand shoots up.

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Is it a Professor?" She asks. I hum in thought.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. That is for me to know and you to find out," you say. I move to my desk, eyeing the Ancient Studies textbook.

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