George Weasley💃Yule Ball

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Prompt- George asks you to go to the Yule Ball with him. So, you do. Also, you exchange 'I love you' s.

Warnings- None


You caught yourself staring at George again. You hoped that he would ask you to the upcoming Yule Ball, but seeing as he was eyeing up someone else, you couldn't see yourself going with him.

"Y/N, you're staring at George again," Hermione said, sighing. You blushed deeply. Ron started gagging. "I still don't understand why you like my brother so much," he said, confusion crossing his features. You rolled your eyes. "I've already told you, Ron," you said, smiling. He gagged some more. "That's gross," he said.

Harry smiled. "It's not as gross as your little sister liking Harry. The way she talks about him, it's like she expects them to get married," you said. Ron continued to gag, almost vomiting this time. Harry's smile faltered slightly.

"I wonder who Fred's going with," Harry changed the subject. You smirked at Harry's pink cheeks.

Snape walked by, so everyone hushed. He looked at your group suspiciously, but said nothing and moved on.

You piped up, smiling. "Angelina," you said, rolling your eyes. Everyone smiled. "Seriously, though. I'm going to ask," Harry said. He made sure Snape wasn't looking, then he got Fred's attention. "Who are you going with?" he whisper-shouted. Fred smiled. He wadded up some parchment and threw it at Angelina Johnson.

She gave him a dirty look. "Will you go to the Ball with me?" he mouthed. She gave him a confused look. He repeated the phrase. Finally, she nodded, smiling. He looked at Harry with a smirk.

Harry turned to Ron. "Everyone has a date except us!" he said. You rolled your eyes. "What about the Patil's?" you asked. Ron and Harry's faces lit up. "That's a great idea! Thanks, Y/N!" Ron exclaimed.

Snape, frowning deeply, came up behind Harry and Ron, and placed his hands on their heads. He shoved their heads down, toward the table. You and Hermione stifled giggles. Snape walked off, but not without giving them a glare that would shrivel them if it could.


It was now a week before the Yule Ball. Your mum had sent you a dress, a pair of heels, and some beauty supplies the week before.

You were still hoping that, by some chance, George would ask you to the Ball. Or anyone, for that matter.

At this point, you didn't care who asked you, so long as someone did.

Hermione popped her head in your dorm. "Are you ready for class?" she asked. You nodded. "Let me just get my books," you said, taking your books from your bedside table.

You sighed, shoving them into a sling bag. You grabbed the sling bag and trailed after Hermione.

"Have you got asked to the Ball yet?" you asked. She smiled. You smiled in return. "Who asked you?" you asked. She flushed pink. "Promise me that you won't tell anyone," she said, glancing around. "I swear on my dad's grave," you said, raising your right hand.

She sighed, hooking her arm through yours. "Viktor Krum," she said, smiling. You gasped, smiling widely. "You go girl!" you exclaimed. She flushes bright red. "Don't tell anyone," she said. You laughed. "I won't tell a soul," you promised.

"About what?" you hear your favourite Weasley twin ask from behind you. You smiled. "Nothing for you to worry about," you said. He gave a playfully hurt look. "You won't tell your best friend?" he asked.

You bid a farewell to Hermione, as she went to sit across the room. You sat next to George, Lee, and Fred. "You'll find out soon, George," you said. He suddenly knitted his brows.

"So, I have to ask before I lose my courage, but will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" he asked. You smiled. "Of course, George. I would love to," you said. He smiled, taking your hand in his.


You added the final touch of make up. Wonderful. Now you just had to help Hermione.

She was in her dress and shoes, but she didn't have her hair fixed or makeup on. You smiled, thinking of what to do. Finally, you thought of it. Perfect.

You applied her makeup, keeping it light, but prevalent. You fixed her hair, then stepped back to look at her. Smiling, you handed her a mirror.

She gasped once she saw herself. "I look great! But, isn't this a bit much?" she asked. You shook your head. "This is just perfect," you said. She smiled, still not fully convinced.

You sighed, taking her hands. "I promise you that as soon as Viktor sees you, he will be proud to have chosen you. You will be the most beautiful one there," you said. She was convinced, but nervous.

You smiled. "I'll go first, then you go. Take their breaths away," you said. She smiled slightly. "Okay," she agreed. You exited the dorm, heading to the Great Hall.

You entered, looking around for George. Finally, you saw him with Fred and Angelina. Smiling, you pushed through the crowd, making your way to George.

"Merlin's beard, Y/N! You are stunning," George said, eyeing you up and down. You laughed, taking his hand. "Thank you, George. You look like Prince Charming," you said. He laughed. "Why thank you, fair maiden, but you are so beautiful, comparing your beauty with anything is an injustice," he said in a posh voice.

Blushing, you looked down. George smiled, lifting your chin. "You really are beautiful. Tonight, you look infinitely more beautiful than any other woman in this castle," he said, looking into your eyes with his warm caramels.

"George..." He smiled, placing a finger over your lips. He placed his lips close to your ear. "I mean it," he said. You smiled, turning bright pink.

Finally, the Champions and their dates made their way into the room, everyone clearing a huge spot in the centre of the room. At the end was Harry and one of the Patil's. The Champions started the dance. Viktor and Hermione, Cho and Cedric, and Fleur and Roger Davies waltzed gracefully, while Harry and his date were dancing quite awkwardly.

You winced, watching their horrible dancing. "I am so glad my mum made me take lessons," you whispered to George. He smiled.

Just then, others started joining in the dancing. George took your left hand in his right, and placed his left hand on your the lower right side of your back. You had your right hand on his shoulder.

Together, you moved in slow circles, the space between you diminishing. Finally, he let go of your hip, and spinned you, finishing it off with a dip.

He brought you back to him, holding you closer than before and gazing into your eyes. His caramel orbs sparkled as you met them with your e/c orbs.

The song came to an end. You and he stood there, breathless, holding each other. Smiling widely, George let out a laugh. "You're a wonderful dancer," he complimented. "So are you," you countered. His smile grew. "Yes, but I wasn't nearly as good as you," he said.

All night, you'd felt butterflies as you met his eyes, but at this moment, it wasn't butterflies that you felt. You felt like you had been hit by a bus, and the breath had been knocked out of you.

Suddenly, George placed his hands—ever so gently—on your cheeks. He carefully placed his lips on yours. You placed your hands on top of his.

Finally pulling apart, the both of you realised something you hadn't before: you love each other.

"I love you so much, Y/N," George said. You smiled, laughing. "I love you too, George," you responded. George smiled, placing his lips on yours once more.

"Get it, George!" you heard. The two of you pulled apart, cheeks tinted bright pink. Fred was grinning, wiggling his eyebrows. Angelina was smiling at him, rolling her eyes at his childish behaviour. "Let them be, Fred. They can snog if they want," she said.

He laughed. "Have fun. But not too much," he said with a wink.

You rolled your eyes. Suddenly, you felt George's lips on your again.

It was going to be the best night ever.

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