Remus Lupin - Werewolf

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"So, what's this I hear about a werewolf?" you ask, turning to face your class, who whisper endlessly of a werewolf. The whispering ceases. "Well, according to a very reliable source, there is a werewolf wandering the school grounds," a Ravenclaw states.

You smile slightly. "Interesting. Who, may I ask, is this 'very reliable source' Miss Loft?" You ask, turning back to the board. The Ravenclaw clears her throat, then straightens up in her chair. "Dumbledore," she says, obviously being prideful of the knowlege she has.

"Very well then. If Dumbledore said it, then it must be true. Now that this ordeal is sorted, let's get back to the lesson," you say, turning back to the class. "Page 142 in your textbooks, please."


At the staff table, you're seated next to Remus Lupin, the current DADA instructor, and the newest among the staff. The other professors chat endlessly amongst themselves, leaving you to come into a conversation every now and again.

"So, Remus, how's your class going?" You ask. He smiles. "Very well. We learned of Boggarts today," he says. "Boggarts are very intriguing creatures. They take the form of your greatest fear, do they not?" You ask. He nods. "That would be correct," he says.

You turn to him, an eyebrow raised. "Have your students been speaking of a werewolf wandering around the school grounds?" you ask. Remus freezes, all colour drained from his face. He slowly relaxes, then takes a deep breath in and exhales. At this behaviour, suspicion arouses inside of you.

"Yes. That rumour is going around," he says, colour returning. "Well, I know for a fact that the werewolf wouldn't be constantly wandering the school grounds; they would only wander around on the night of a full moon," you say.

Remus nods, a distant look in his eyes. "Remus, is everything alright?" You ask. He clears his throat, glances at you, then looks to his plate. "Yes, I'm alright; I have one question, though," he says. "Ask away," you say. "If someone were to tell you that they were the werewolf, what would your reaction be?" Remus asks, furrowing his brows and looking into your eyes.

You think momentarily. "I would hug them and let them know that I care for them no matter what," you say. Remus sighs. "You wouldn't be afraid?" he asks. You shake your head.

"Why do you ask?" You question. "Just wondering," Remus says, before looking towards the students distantly.

Remus has something to do with the werewolf. There's no doubting it. Either he knows who the werewolf is, or he is the werewolf.


You're grading quizzes from this morning, humming the tune to some lullaby; Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Remus Lupin burst into your classroom, panting.

You look up from the quizzes, hand freezing mid- writing, to see the four with hair astray and worried looks on their faces. "We need your help desperately," Remus says. You frown slightly, and put your writing utensil down, crossing your arms on your desk.

"What's going on?" You ask. "Sirius Black is on his way for Harry," Remus says. You stand up, walking around to the front of your desk. "What do you need me to do?" You ask. "Children, we'll handle this," he says to Ron, Harry, and Hermione, who automatically file out, "I'm going to sneak him into the school. Can you help me?" he asks, desperate.

"We would be betraying Dumbledore's trust," you say. Remus nods, still looking worried. "That's my biggest risk, but Sirius is my best friend, and I have to take that risk," Remus says. You sigh and rub your temples.

"Let me get this straight; you want me to help you sneak a murderer, your best friend, into Hogwarts, and betray the trust of Dumbledore?" You ask. Remus cringes, but nods. "It sounds horrible, but I know that Sirius is no murderer and that I must sneak him in," he says. You raise your eyebrow, but agree nonetheless to help Remus sneak Sirius into Hogwarts.


The plan to sneak Sirius in the castle is simple; you and Remus pretend to go on a stroll around the school grounds and stop by the Black Lake, Sirius will be in his animagus form at the Black Lake, and you and Remus bring him back to the castle. From there, everything else will work itself out.

So, you await Remus' arrival outside of the Great Hall. You act as if you are simply monitoring the students on their way to their commonrooms. Finally, you spot Remus amongst the crowd, slowly making his way towards you.

He stands beside you just as the hall clears, allowing the two of you to exit the castle. The moon is almost full, and the stars are shining brightly. Prefects aren't allowed to patrol outside the castle, since Sirius is rumoured to be headed to hogwarts. Instead, teachers patrol; Remus offered that you and he would patrol this night, so you could carry out your plan.

You aren't exactly a big fan of the dark, and, even though Remus is there, you feel alone because of the silence. In order to forget your fear, you decide to ask Remus a question about the werewolf.

"So, do you know who the werewolf is?" You ask. Remus tenses, but answers your question. "Yes," he responds. You nod and let it go. "Why do you ask, Y/N? Have you figured out who it is?" he asks. "I have an idea of who it could be, but I'm sure they would deny it if I asked them," you say.

"Who do you think it is?" he asks. "Well, it's one of two people," you say. Remus nods, silently telling you to go on. "It's either Balthazar Scrums, that really shy Hufflepuff, or you," you say. Remus stops all movement, possibly even breathing, except the widening of his eyes. You stop walking as well.

"What leads you to believe that it's me?" Remus asks. You cross your arms over your chest, raising an eyebrow. "Remus, body language reveals more about us than we care to realise," you say. He sighs defeatedly. "I am the werewolf," Remus says, looking down.

You smile slightly and wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest. You hug him tightly, as if saying that you care for him and that you'll always be there for him.

Remus returns the hug carefully. You pull out of the hug and hold his hand. "Remus, I know that you probably think of yourself as a monster, and that I believe the same. You probably think I should run away; that's not at all right. You aren't a monster, I'm going to be there for you always, and I thank you for telling me," you say.

Remus smiles slightly. "Thank you for not running away," he says. "Don't worry about it. Right now, we have a Sirius matter to take care of; pun intended," you say. Remus chuckles, then says, "let's get Sirius; pun intended."


So, in this one, Remus and the reader are just fellow proffesors and friends, nothing more. I would like to clarify that.

The story, excluding the author's note, is 1178 words long, in case you care, which I'm sure you don't.

Also, I saw The Greatest Showman today, and it was a really good movie. I actually cried during that movie, and I don't usually do that. I suggest you watch it, if you haven't already.

Anyways, I'm outta here.

Love to all of you,

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