Severus Snape- Half-blood Princess

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Prompt- You are a half- blooded witch that is friends with Severus and Lilly. Severus and you grow together and eventually discover something you never knew about each other.

(A/N- this goes from when you meet as first years to when you're both professors. Also, this is really long.)

Warnings- language


You tap your foot rhythmically against the floor as you gaze out the train window. You hum a small tune, trying to appease your boredom. Eventually, the carriage door slides open and a boy with raven- coloured hair and pale skin is revealed. Your humming ceases as you stare at him in embarrassment, your cheeks turning pink.

"May I sit with you?" He asks, his face void of any expression. You nod slowly. "Yeah, sure," you say. He closes the door and sits across from you.

"I'm Severus,"he says. You smile slightly and hold out your hand. "Y/N," you say. He stares at your hand as if it were a foreign object. Slowly, you retract your hand, smile faltering. His eyes flash to your face again, and suddenly, it seems as if he can see into the very depths of your soul.

You clear your throat and avoid eye contact. "So, Severus, which house do you hope to be in?" You ask. He blinks. "Slytherin,"he says with almost no hesitation. You nod. "To be honest, I don't know which house I want to be in,"you say.

Severus makes a strangled sound, causing you to give him a confused expression. "Don't pay heed to that," he says. You give him a curt nod.

Severus is very intriguing to say the least.


"Snivellus, do you pay pretty girls to stick to you or do you threaten them with dark spells?" James Potter asks Severus, giving a shit- eating grin. You grit your teeth, a low growl emitting from your throat. "Leave him alone or I'll hex you," you threaten.

James and Sirius laugh at your anger. "No you won't. We're too charming,"Sirius says. "Charming is nowhere close to what you are,"you say. James mocks hurt. "Oh, that definitely hurt my heart," he says, putting his hand n his chest. You roll your eyes.

"Snivellus, I figured you'd stand up for yourself; not make girls stand up for you," Sirius taunts. You clench your wand tightly. "I warned you," you say. James and Sirius laugh it off.

Suddenly, they're paralysed. You smirk at your work. Wandless magic; works every time. You turn to Severus, looking concerned. "Do I need to build your ego?" You ask. He gives a ghost of a smile. "Wouldn't mind it," he says.


You meet Lilly and Severus under an oak tree in the courtyard. You sit next to Severus, whom sits in the middle, with Lilly on the other side of him.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Y/N," Severus says. You sigh. "Sorry I'm late. Slughorn wouldn't shut up about my esssay being 'wonderfully written' as he put it,"you say. Severus snorts, while Lilly laughs.

You frown at your friends. "It's not amusing in the least," you insist, crossing your arms over your chest. "Sure, Y/N. We all know that Slughorn adores you ever since you and I made that potion in first year," Severus says. You sigh.

Lilly laughs. "Y/N, maybe if you didn't try to act so withdrawn from the class, then end up making amazing grades, he wouldn't drown you in compliments," Lilly insists. You roll your eyes.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Potter and Black headed in your direction. "Lilly, Potter's headed over," you warn her. Severus sighs, closing his book. You groan, getting up with Lilly.

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