Harry Potter- Jealous

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Prompt- You and Ron make Harry jealous with your childish antics.

Warnings- Sexual innuendos and language


Ron nudges you. You nudge him back. He nudges you again. You smack him in the face. "That's enough, ladies," Hermione says from behind you.

You and Ron pout. "Nuh uh. I still have to get her back," Ron says, crossing his arm. You roll your eyes. "In your wettest dreams, Ronald," you say. His jaw drops as you smirk. "I'm gonna get you for that,"he says.

"Okay," you say, walking past a jealous Harry.


You kick Ron under the table. "Ow, Y/N. That hurt!" Ron howls at dinner. You smirk. He kicks you back. You kick him harder, then move your feet out of the way. "Where'd your feet go?" He asks. You smirk wider. 

"Where you can't get them,"you say. Then, you kick him harder than ever. "Bloody hell, Y/N! That hurts!" Ron says. You snicker. "I can make it hurt good,"you say. Harry chokes beside you.

You rub his back. "You okay?" You ask him. He gets up suddenly and leaves. You look at Ron and Hermione and shrug. "Guess not," you say. Ron kicks you. "Ron!" You scream. He smirks. "Gotcha!"


In class, Ron sits behind you. Harry sits next to him, and Hermione sits next to you. Ron throws a wad of paper at you. You make sure the Professor is turned around, then you throw it back at him.

He catches it and puts a small pebble in it. He wads the paper back up and throws it at you. You catch it this time, and take the pebble out. You put a spell on the paper so that when it hits him, it feels like a ton of bricks.

You throw it at him. "Ow!" He howls, causing everyone in class to turn to him. "Did that hurt, Ron?" You ask. He grits his teeth. "Yes. It hurts," he says. You smirk. "That was the intention," you say.

By now, Harry's teeth are gritted and his fists are clenched so tightly, they're turning white. Everyone turns back around, not noticing Harry's jealousy.


Walking down the hall, someone grabs you. They pull you into an empty classroom. Then, a pair of lips crash into yours. In a panic, you pull away, only to see Harry panting heavily. You slap him.

"Bloody git! I thought you were someone else! You scared the shit out of me," you say. He grits his teeth. "Don't hang out with Ron anymore," he says, walking away. You follow him with a bewildered look to your next class.

Why did he do that? Why is Harry acting so strange? What is wrong with him? Why can't you hang out with Ron? What does he have against it? These questions fill your head as you sit down across from the Golden Trio in our next class.


You scribble out a word in your essay. Eventually, you wad the parchment up and throw it behind you, groaning. "Ow!" You hear from behind you. You turn around, seeing the Golden Trio. Ron is rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry, Ron," you say, gathering your stuff and leaving. A hand grabs your arm. "You and I need to talk," Harry says. You turn to face him. "No, we don't either," you say, pulling your hand away and pushing open the door.

Just before you close it, you turn to him. "You told me not to hang out with Ron. I'm not. I have nothing to say to you other than have a bloody good life,"you say.

The door closes with a satisfying slam.


Harry sits next to you at the table. "Bitch," you mutter under your breath. He ignores it and looks at you expectantly. "I know you don't want to talk to me, so just listen,"he says. You huff and look at him.

"Look, you can hang out with Ron. I was just jealous that your attention was directed towards him, and not me. I would not be jealous if I didn't like you, and I like you. A lot, okay? I want to be the centre of your attention, not Ron," he says. You say nothing. You turn back around.

"Say something, Y/N," Harry pleads. "Something," you say, moving seats.


Ron and Hemione stop you in the hall. You huff and tap your foot impatiently. "Well, what do you want?" You ask. Hermione looks at Ron, silencing the words he was about to speak. "Y/N, Harry really likes you. He explained the whole situation to us. He wants you to know that he's sorry," Hermione says.

"Look, he had no right to pull me into that classroom and roughly press his lips against mine. I did not ask for it. He didn't ask for it. That was completely uncalled for. Also, he disallowed me to mess with my best friend. I think I hve a right to not accept his apology," you say, shoving past them.

"Y/N, wait," Ron says, grabbing your wrist, "Just talk to him. Please. He said he was sorry." You pull away from him. "The next person to grab me, kiss me, or just touch me will be hexed,"you say, glaring.

You walk away from them. You don't dare to turn around. They can say what they want, and they can think what they want. You don't care.


In the Great Hall, you sit next to Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley. Ginny and Neville make you laugh and enjoy your dinner. Until Harry stands behind you and clears his throat.

You sigh, turning around. "Y/N, can we please talk?" He asks. "Fine," you grit out, following him out of the Great Hall. "Listen, I'm sorry. Okay? I should have asked to kiss you. I shouldn't have been impulsive like that. I'm sorry. Need I say more? I mean, what does it take to get you to forgive me?" Harry asks.

You sigh. "I forgive you, Harry. Just ask next time. Also, tell me when you're getting jealous. I might give you more attention," you say. A grin spreads across his face. "So, can I..." he doesn't finish, because you've crashed your lips into his.

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