From An Author In Need!

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Okay, so I have a Supernatural Imagines Book!!!!!!!!! It's out!! I only have one part in it so far, but it will be updated soon. In that book, you are free to make requests, so long as it is not smut.

You know the protocol for requests: just comment which character you want, a plot, and whether you want it to include you or other readers. (If it includes you, you are the main character. Your name is used.)

Anyway, to those wanting to make requests for this book, you may do that. You should know the protocol. If not, ⬆.

Currently, I am working on a chapter for this book, and it's nearly finished. It'll probably be published by Saturday.

Please request, because my ideas are running out. I legit have no idea what to do anymore. I NEED YOU GUYS TO HELP ME! Can you do this? At this point, I'll write anything you ask.

Anyway, thanks for reading this.
Juju x

Ps- the snail above is my pet snail named Bill. Named after my boyfriend. He hates it. I love it. 😜

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