Young!Sirius Black- Siriusly

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"Hey, Y/N! You're hot," Sirius Black says, walking right by me, and winking. I stop walking and roll my eyes.

"Ignore him, Y/N. He's trying to get to you," my friend, Lilly, assures me. I roll my eyes again. "I'm not stupid. I know what he's doing," I say. She shrugs and pulls me with her, down the hall.

"Where are we going?" I ask her as she continues to drag me. "To class. We're going to be late if you don't stop lagging, " she says, to which I sigh.


I sit down in the seat next to Lilly and attempt to pay attention to the Professor, but James Potter and Sirius Black throw paper at Lilly and I. I turn around and glare at Sirius, who points to the paper on my desk. I send him a confused expression, to which he makes an opening motion.

I roll my eyes and turn back around. I open the paper and see a messy scrawl covering the page. I sigh and begin to read it.

meet me in the common room at 12 sharp.
See you there,

I turn to him and arch an eyebrow. Sirius does a fist pump in the air. I roll my eyes for the fourth time today. I turn around in my seat and face the front. Lilly sends me a questioning look, to which I mouth "tell you later." She nods and holds a hand over her mouth to stifle giggles.


I sit on one of the couches in the Gryffindor common room, waiting for Sirius. I cross my left leg over my right, growing impatient. I put my right elbow on my knee and put my head in my hand. I hear the sound of footsteps leading into the common room.

"I thought you'd never come," I say, seeing Sirius step into the light casted by the fireplace. "So, you waited on me, eh?" He asks, sitting on the couch beside me.

"Well yeah. I'm curious as to what you want at 12 in the common room," I say, arching an eyebrow. He chuckles, then rests his arm across the back of the couch.

I watch as he scoots closer, then twists his upper body towards me. "I have to tell you something really important," Sirius says with a serious look.

I nod, urging him to tell me. He shakes his head and runs his hands through his hair. "Look, I know that I have a reputation as a ladies' man, and you most likely don't believe me, but I like you. I like you very much," he says.

He sucks in a breath and puts his head in his hands. I don't say a word. I just stare into the fire. Sirius sighs loudly, then rises abruptly and goes back to the boys' dorms. I sit there for a few minutes and eventually get up too.


Lilly follows me like a lost puppy, dying for me to tell her what happened. I roll my eyes as she pleads for the eighth time. Eventually, I grab her arm and drag her to an empty classroom.

"Okay, if you want to know what happened, then here it is. Last night, Sirius told me that he likes me very much. He didn't try to make a move, and he kept his hands to himself the whole time. It was as if he was a different person. It left me so confused, that he took my silence as rejection and left," I explain.

Lilly stood in silence for a moment before sighing. "You need to straighten it all out," she says. I nod. "I know. The thing is, it was strange. Usually, he's all flirtatious, but this time, he had a calm and serious demeanour," I say.

She rolls her eyes and pulls me out into the hall. "Let's go to class and straighten this out later, okay?" She asks. I nod, sighing.


Lilly and I sit in our usual seats, just in time for Professor Slughorn to walk in. As usual, James and Sirius sit behind us. This time, though, Sirius is staring off into space and doodling on his paper. James throws a wad of paper at Lilly, and Sirius slumps in his seat. I turn around towards the front.

Lilly nudges me, and slides the paper over to me. I read the paper that has James' horrid scrawl all over it.

It says:

Do you know what happened to Y/N and Sirius?

I write under it:

He took my silence as rejection -Y/N

I wad the paper back up and wait for the opportune moment to throw it. When Slugorn finally turns around to the board, I chuck the wad at James, who catches it.

He reads it, then nudges Sirius. Sirius straightens up and his eyes wander over to James, then to the paper. He reads it several times, then looks up to me.

He arches an eyebrow, then scribbles something on the page. He wads it up, then tosses it at me. I catch the wad and read:

So, do you like me too?

I snort and scribble:

Why the bloody hell would I not? I'd be stupid not to.

I throw the paper behind me and tap my fingers on the desk. Class ends just then, so I gather my books. Lilly starts rambling about something Severus did, which I just hum in response, not really paying attention.

Somebody clears their throat behind me, so I turn around to Sirius. His face is mere inches from mine. Sirius apparently notices this, and puts on his prize- winning smirk. "So, you like me too?" Sirius asks. I nod and move around him to get out the classroom.

Sirius puts his hand on my butt and squeezes it. I yelp and turn to him. "Oi! You can't go grabbing my arse, Sirius!" He chuckles.

"Alright, alright," he says. He sets his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close. "Meet me at 12 in the common room again," he says, winking and going over to James, Remus, and Peter.

I roll my eyes and walk to my next class. Lilly catches up to me and I can smell the curiosity coming off of her. "So, he wants me to meet him in the common room again," I say. She squeals.

"Oi, Lilly! Not so loud. Besides, I thought you didn't lie Potter or any of his friends," I say accusingly. She laughs nervously. "Well, Potter's finally got to me," she says. I snort.

"So, you're finally giving him a chance, eh?" I ask. She nods, her cheeks turning red. I sigh. "Just wait 'til Potter hears about this," I say.

"Hear about what, L/N?" He asks, suddenly behind me with the rest of his crew. I smirk and push Lilly into him. "She likes you. A lot. She just confessed," I say.

Lilly's cheeks turn bright red. James looks at Lilly and smiles. "I knew you were playing hard to get!" He says. She gives me a death glare, to which I smirk harder.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sirius watching me with the trademark smirk of his own. I turn to him. "I'll see you at 12." He nods, his smirk unwavering.


Once again, my left leg is crossed over my right and I'm waiting on Sirius. "Waiting again, eh?" I hear him say. "Well, if you would show up on time, I wouldn't be the one waiting," I say. He smirks and plops on the couch beside me. He turns to me and gives me a straight face.

"Be my girlfriend," he says. I quirk a smile. "You're serious?" I ask. He rolls his eyes. "That's my name, isn't it?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"You got yourself a girlfriend, Black," I say. He smirks. "Call me by my last name again," he says.  I snort. "Siriusly, Black?" He starts chuckling and stops abruptly. Our faces are so close, our lips are almost touching.

We both lean in and connect our lips. His hands go to my waist and my hands go in his hair. Our lips move in sync. Eventually, we pull away and put our foreheads together, panting.

"You sound like a dog,"I say. He laughs and gives me a chaste kiss. "I am a dog," he says. "You're my dog," I say, connecting our lips again.

Wolf whistles erupt from the boys' stairwell. "Get some, Padfoot!" James yells. Sirius deepens the kiss just to appease James. Eventually, we break apart, smiling.

"James, you and Lilly are next," I say.

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