Severus Snape🥀Another (Not So Secret) Secret

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Continuation of The (Not So Secret) Secret.

Request- @FriendlyFan3000

Prompt- the students find out about the Reader's pregnancy

A/N- I'm going to give the baby a random name. If you don't like the name, or it's your name, you can change it if you'd like. Also, the pregnancy timeline is not 100% accurate, because summer break is more than two months at Hogwarts, I'm sure, but that's how I've written it to be. I'm only realising it after I've written it that way.


I clutch my husband's hand tightly, lacing my fingers with his. Together, we walk into the Great Hall. We stride to the Professor's table, sitting together as we usually do. Of course, people find it strange, but we don't mind. 

It's finally the end of the year, and tonight is the last night at Hogwarts until the next year.

Severus is severely disappointed when his snakes lose. I simply give him a peck on the cheek to let him know that it's okay. He places his hand on my thigh, giving it a slight squeeze.

Then, we turn back to the cheering Gryffindors.

When the time to feast arrives, I pick up my fork and knife, nudging Severus' foot with mine. He ignores it, cutting his food. I nudge his foot again. He looks at me. I smile. He arches an eyebrow.

Deciding now was as good a time as any, I think to tell him a huge piece of news that would change his life forever.

"Severus, I'm pregnant."

He pauses. His movements cease. My husband furrows his brows, taking my hands in his.

"Is it true?" He asks softly. I nod. He smiles a very small smile, then releases my hands. His small smile is enough to make my heart pound happily.


Severus opens the door to our small home, luggage levitating behind him. I smile in thanks as I enter, exhausted from the long journey.

Severus enters the house, and takes the levitating luggage to our room. I take a seat in our armchair, too exhausted to do anything more.

"Would you like a cuppa?" My dear husband asks. I nod silently.

When Severus returns, he has two steaming cuppas in his hands. He extends one to me, which I receive gratefully.

"How long have you known about your pregnancy?" He asks. I smile smally.

"Not long. I only found out a few days ago. According to Pomfrey, I'm around two to three weeks along," I say. He smiles. My heart rate speeds up from this beautiful sight.

"It's still unbelievable to me. I never thought that I would become a father," he says.

"Well, believe it. You're going to be a dad," I say. My husband kneels in front of me, and he takes one of my hands in his. Carefully, he reaches with his other hand to touch my not-yet existent bump.

I smile at the beautiful sight. I, too, never thought I would see this. Yet, here it is; my husband is tenderly caressing my—soon to be—baby bump.

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