Harry Potter🕥Circumstance and Timing

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Prompt- As the niece of Snape, Nikhad must be the most Gryffindor any Ravenclaw could ever be. In order to remain loyal to the two men who love her—her uncle and a certain Potter— Nikhad must disregard her affections toward the boy-who-lived to save him. When the time comes for true emotions to be revealed, will they be accepted or denied?

Requested by- @WriterGirlme

A/N- Sorry for any inconsistencies with this story and the books and movies. I had to change around a few things to fit the request. This is fanfiction, though, so I'm sure you'll understand.


"Potter wants to talk to you, Nikhad," Luna says with the innocent smile she often dons. My lips curl into a small smile.

"Do you know why he wants to talk to me?" I ask. She shrugs, still wearing her naive grin.

"I'm not quite sure but he said it was urgent," she says. I nod once, turning away from Ginny, Luna, and Neville to find Harry.

I don't go very far, as I spot him just down the hall. I grin, speeding my pace to catch him. Once he notices my vastly approaching form, he beams, watching me hurriedly walk toward him.

I stop just in front of him, out of breath but smiling, nonetheless.

"Luna said you wanted to have a word with me," I say. His grin fades a bit, nervousness shining in his eyes.

I have loved Harry since third year. In fact, I still love him, and we're in our sixth year. I'm still not sure whether the feelings are reciprocated, and at this point, it would be dangerous for them to be. My Uncle Severus has very close ties with the Dark Lord himself, and being associated with Harry would put my Uncle, Harry, and I at risk. I just can't chance it.

"I have something I need to tell you, Nikhad, and I want you to listen to me before you say anything, okay?" Harry's smile is long gone. He furrows his brow, taking deep breaths, as if preparing to say something that could jeapordise him if not worded correctly. Or something like that.

I nod to signal that he has my full attention. I frown slightly, wondering what he could possibly say that would make me lash out at him.

"Nikhad, I like you. A lot. I have for a while now, and I wanted to tell you but your Uncle is always near you. He unsettles me somewhat, so I didn't want to say this in front of him. Anyway, I like you. I bloody like you. In fact, I don't like you, I love you. I bloody LOVE you, Nikhad. If you don't feel the same way, that's completely fine with me-" I stop him, trying to smother a sob.

"Stop, Harry. Please stop." I shouldn't be crying, but I have to break the poor bloke's heart, which will, in turn, break my heart.

"We can't be together, Harry. I just can't be with you like this. I'm sorry," I say, brushing by him to go to the Ravenclaw dorm. He grabs my wrist but I tug it away. If only I could tell him what danger he would be in by being with me. The Dark Lord could make my Uncle use me as a weapon against Harry. I do not have the strong will to manipulate and deceive the ones that hold my heart.


Snape P.O.V.

The boy enters the Great Hall, eyes no longer shining. They seem quite dull, in fact, they remind me of my own eyes after the death of his mother...no, I mustn't think of that now, not while evil watches from places unseen.

He carries himself with his usual air of arrogance missing. It's almost sad to watch. Almost. 

He barely touches the feast placed before him. His friends notice his taciturn tendencies but make no remark. Their conversations carry on in the normal, tedious way. I make no statements to my peers, as is the standard for me. 

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