Draco Malfoy- Dark Mark

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Setting- After the Wizarding War at Hogwarts. WAY after.

Prompt- While you get your son ready for bed, he notices your Dark Mark and asks about it.


You knew that sooner or later, young Scorpius would notice the black skull and snake on your left forearm. Then, he would ask questions. You also knew that he wouldn't be satisfied with a strict and to-the-point answer. You would have to go into detail.

What you didn't expect was for it to happen so soon.

He had just gotten his nightly bath, and was getting on his pyjamas when he saw it. You had your sleeves rolled up to your elbows, helping him into his nightshirt, when he stopped and pointed to your arm. He touched it, tracing the black snake. You stiffened, stilling all movement.

Scorpius looked up at you, frowning. "Mum, what's this?" he asked, eyes shining with curiosity. You inhaled sharply, pulling his nightshirt onto his small frame. "How about this: you get in your bed and while you go to sleep, I'll tell you about it," you offered. He climbed into his bed, pulling the covers up, under his chin. He slid over, allowing you to sit in the bed with him.

You smiled slightly at your son—he was the spitting image of his father—and he leaned into you. Sighing, you pointed to the Dark Mark, tracing the snake and skull.

"It was the summer after fifth year. I happened to be at Malfoy Manor, as your father's parents and my parents were wonderful friends. That day, your father and I were terrified for our lives. Normally, our parents would meet to talk and dine, occasionally to discuss their work for the Dark Lord... " Scorpius scrunched up his nose in confusion.

"Who is the Dark Lord?" he asked. You cleared your throat. "The Dark Lord was a very evil Wizard," you replied. Scorpius nodded, not quite liking the answer, but accepting it, as he saw that you weren't keen on telling him about that quite yet.

"Anyway, this time was different. You see, our parents were loyal followers of the Dark Lord. They called themselves Death Eaters. In order to become a Death Eater, you had to pledge your loyalty to the Dark Lord, and as an object to remember your pledge, you were given a Dark Mark," you explained. Scorpius seemed to take this in, nodding for you to go on.

"Well, it was our turn to become Death Eaters; we had to, or our family would be killed. Your father and I were terrified. We didn't want to be pledged to the Dark Lord—we wanted to live normal lives. Nobody cared about what we wanted. It seemed that our fate was decided for us," you continued. Scorpius looked at you fearfully. You smiled slightly.

"We went into the Malfoy dining room, where the Dark Lord was. One at a time, we entered. I went in first..." Scorpius stopped you. "What happened? Did you get hurt?" he asked worriedly. You kissed his forehead, smiling at your husband's mini-me.

"Well, at first, it didn't. You see, the Mark is an imprint or brand—it's also a tracking device—that instills fear in many. If you had a Dark Mark, the Dark Lord could find you. Anyway, it didn't hurt when he first put the wand to my skin, but when he held it there so the Dark Mark could take its full shape, it began to burn like fire spreading through my veins," you said. Scorpius had his eyes wide open, mouth agape.

He took your arm with the Mark and kissed it. You laughed at the gesture. "It doesn't hurt anymore. When the Wizarding War ended, Harry Potter defeated—and killed—the Dark Lord, so he can't summon me anymore," you said. Scorpius smiled. "Good. 'Cause my mummy is too amazing for the Dark Lord," Scorpius said, yawning.

You smiled at your tired son. "Any more questions?" you asked. Scorpius nodded. "Does that mean daddy has one too?" he asked. "Yes, son. It does," you said, sighing.

Scorpius crinkled his nose again. "Do I have to get one?" he asked. You shook your head rapidly. "No, honey. I would die of heartbreak if you had to get one," you said. Scorpius sighed in relief. "Good, 'cause anything that hurts my mummy will hurt me, 'cause she's super tough," he said, yawning and closing his grey eyes.

You smiled, climbing off his bed. "Love you mum," he said quietly. You laughed gently. "I love you too, Scorpius. Get some sleep," you said, turning his light off. You turned on his night-light, and closed his bedroom door.

You felt hot breath on your neck, and hands gently take  hold of your waist. "I couldn't have told that story better, even if I'd tried," Draco said, placing his chin on your shoulder. You smiled, placing your left hand on his cheek.

"Well, I didn't want to tell him at all, but we knew that he would ask questions eventually," you said. Your husband kissed your cheek, pulling away and turning you to face him.

"I hope the next one is as understanding as he was," Draco said, placing a hand over your slightly round stomach. He smiled gently, feeling his other little one kicking. "I'm sure they'll take it just as well," you assured him, cupping his face with your hands.

You gave him a chaste kiss, smiling as you pulled away. "Come on, let's go to bed. I'm exhausted, and I know you've got the be. After all, you've just come back from a mission," you said, wrapping your right arm around his waist. He wrapped his left arm around your waist.

"You have no idea."

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