Ron Weasley- Love Potion

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Lavender Brown. The name brings envy upon you. The name Lavender Brown makes you want to curl your hands into fists and punch the object nearest you. Why does the name Lavender Brown do this? She spiked Ron Weasley's, your crush, drink with a love potion.

As of right now, Lavender and Ron are eating each other's faces off. At the dinner table.

You sigh and turn to Hermione. She sees your discomfort and stands up, ushering you to stand you as well. You follow her lead as she walks down corridors and out of the school, to a courtyard. She sits down on a bench, under an oak tree, and motions for you to take the seat. You sit down next to her, and sigh.

"I know that it bothers you, which is why you must tell him how you feel; of course, we have to find a way to get the potion to wear off first," she says. You groan and put your head in your hands. "This is so frustrating," you say.

She puts a hand on your shoulder. "I know. This is why Harry and I are researching solutions to rid Ron's system of the love potion," Hermione says.


Ron and Lavender walk arm- in- arm through the hall, giggling over nonsense. As you pass them, you catch Lavender giving you a glare, to which you roll your eyes. She's so possessive of the poor bloke; he doesn't even realise what she's done to him.

Fortunately, you don't have your next class with the two, so you can concentrate on your work. Flitwick zealously strolls around the classroom, overseeing student's work on charms. He smiles in delight as he passes your desk, seeing as you've charmed a frog to be silent.

Once class is over, you head to the library to find books to do research for the essay assigned to you by Snape. You pull a book off the shelf, before you hear giggling behind you.

You look around the aisle, seeing noone but yourself. You remove a book from the shelf behind you, seeing Lavender and Ron snogging.

You put the book back in its place and check the other book out of the library, then head to your dorm.


Rubbing your temples, you groan at the page of the book in front of you. Three hours of straight reading, and you've found very little information regarding the topic of your essay.  Finally, you get up, shutting the book, and exit your dorm.

Today's Saturday, so most of the castle is in Hogsmeade. Since most of the castle is in Hogsmeade, the castle is silent and professors aren't on patrol. You take advantage of the silence, and stroll through the halls and into the courtyard.

Sighing in content, you sit beneath a tree and lean your head on it. You allow the shade to fall on you as you close your eyes, at peace. Then, that annoying giggle sounds out of nowhere, along with that screechy voice of Lavender's.

You groan, opening your eyes and sitting up. Ron and Lavender have their arms hooked together, and their eyes trained on each other. You sigh, removing yourself from the shade of the tree, and leave the courtyard.

Encountering the couple everywhere you go is starting to get you irate.


At breakfast, Ron is nowhere to be found. Neither is Harry. You send a curious look to Hermione, to which she shrugs. Lavender frowns, glancing at the empty seats next to you and Hermione.

"Do you know where Ronny is?" She asks. You smile politely and clench your fist under the table. "No clue, Lavender. I figured you knew, since you seem to be hanging off him like a fish on a hook these days," you say.

Fury grows in her eyes, but she smiles a fake smile. "If anything, he's hanging onto me  like a fish on a hook," she says, stalking off. You roll your eyes and stab your food with a fork.

Harry sits next to you at the table, and fills two plates of food. "Where's Ron?" Hermione asks. Harry sighs, still filling the plate. "In the hospital wing," he says. You furrow your brows in disbelief. "Is something wrong?" You ask. Harry shakes his head.

"He started choking really badly last night in Slughorn's office. I checked him out; seeing that it was due to another dose of love potion, I fixed him up and sent him to Madame Pomfrey," Harry explains. You growl. "Lavender's the cause of this then. I'm going to rip the head off that bitch," you say.

Hermione and Harry give you a look, to which you sigh. "Sorry, it's just that this is so infuriating; he deserves to be treated decently, not like a pet," you say. Harry agrees, getting up. "Let's visit him, then," Hermione says.


The professors stand around, asking the nurse about Ron.

You sit on the bed, holding Ron's hand. Hermione sits on the other side, holding his other hand. Ron slowly opens his eyes, and bolts upright from the bed.

"What happened?" Ron asks. Hermione lets go of Ron's hand, and simply stands. You let go of his hand, but remain sitting by his side. "Lavender spiked your drink with a love potion," you say. He furrows his brows, then leans back into the pillow.

"So, that's why my clothes smells like girly perfume," he says. "You look like hell, by the way," you say. Ron smiles slightly. "Well, you look like heaven," he says. You snort. "Are we sure the love potion left your system?" You ask teasingly.

The mood is spoiled when Lavender runs in, screeching like a toddler. "Ronny!" Ron cringes and looks at you, pleading for you to help him. You look at him sympathetically. "Ronny! Oh, I'm so glad you're okay! I missed you, my Snugglepuff," she says, giggling.

Ron cringes even more, and you put a hand on his. "Lavender, I don't like you," he says. She pouts. "Of course you do, Ronny," she insists. Ron shakes his head. "No, I do not; I like someone else. The girl I like isn't clingy and obsessive like you are. The girl I like wouldn't spike my drink with a love potion," Ron says.

Lavender looks at you with a burning flame in her eyes. "You! You took Ronny from me, you little..." "ENOUGH!" Miss Brown, please leave," Dumbledore interrupts Lavender, who was pointing her finger at you. She flips her hair, eyes smouldering, and leaves.

You sigh, smiling slightly. "So glad she's gone," Ron says, relief flooding his features. "Yeah, me too," you say. Ron smiles at you, then squeezes your hand, which was still on his.

"You know that girl I was talking about?" Ron asks. You nod, silently hoping that he's crushing on you. "Well, I was talking about you," he says. Your smile grows wide. "Count yourself lucky, Ron, because I happen to like you back," you say. He smiles wider than ever, puffing his chest out.

Impulsively, you attach your lips to his. He reciprocates it, causing it to deepen. The sound of several throats clearing cause you to pull apart, your cheeks dusting pink.


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