Sirius Black - Prisoner Of Azkaban

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Prompt- Sirius is taken to Azkaban. Years later, you help him into Hogwarts while you are a Professor there, and you discover that he hasn't changed when it comes to charm.

Warnings- Language; innuendos.

A/N- This is a sort of time lapse. By the way, Remus is one of your besties and nothing more. At least, in this story.


They dragged him. They chained him and dragged him away from you. You pleaded with them to let him go. They wouldn't. You couldn't stop crying, shouting for them to let him go. It wasn't his fault; it was stupid Peter.

Peter told the Dark Lord. Sirius had nothing to do with it.

Nobody would listen; nobody cared. An innocent man was walking away guilty and a guilty man was walking away innocent. They wouldn't listen to your pleas. Sirius Black was innocent. You knew it.

"You can go with him if you keep on," they said.

You didn't want to go with him; you wanted justice to be served correctly.

You fell to your knees, sobbing. Sirius didn't deserve this. He did absolutely nothing wrong. He was a kind man: proud, arrogant, crude, but when you were his friend, he stuck up for you. He had your back.

You were more than his friend, you were his girlfriend. So, he really had your back. You knew him better than anyone. He could never do something so cruel, and live with himself.

Sirius and James were akin to brothers. There was no fucking way that he would rat him out to the Dark Lord. Sirius hated the Dark Lord and all his doings. Sirius was disowned by his family because he hated the Dark Lord. Sirius didn't do this.

For that reason, you hated Peter. He was always loyal to the people with the most power. Even if they were the most evil wizard in the entire Wizarding world.


For some reason, Sirius' escape from Azkaban brought fear into the Wizarding World.

You overheard Arthur Weasley telling Harry Potter about what Sirius Black supposedly did twelve years ago. You didn't say anything, but this did make you realise just how screwed up things were.

You knew that, with this incorrect information, Harry would make some really stupid decisions. You couldn't prevent it; it was now drilled into his brain that Sirius betrayed his bond brother. But, you could let Remus in on it. He could help you straighten this all out.


On the train to Hogwarts, you spotted your favourite werewolf asleep. You slid into the carriage, careful so as not to wake him; last night was a full moon. Not very long after, three children were standing outside the carriage.

You recognised them as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. They hesitated before entering. You pulled out a muggle book, waiting on them to make the decision to get in the carriage.

Eventually, Hermione poked her head in. "Do you mind if my two friends and I sit here with you?" she asked. You smiled gently. "Not at all. Just keep it down. He's asleep," you said, pointing to Remus.

She smiled and thanked you, sliding the door open wider and sitting across from you. The two boys followed her in, Ron sitting next to her and Harry sitting next to you. You returned to your book.

"I'm Hermione Granger. That's Harry Potter, and the ginger is Ron Weasley," Hermione said. You laughed slightly.

"Yes, I know all of your names. You, Mr. Potter, are the son of one of my best friends. You, Mr. Weasley, recently acquired a rat named Scavers from your brother, Percy. And you, Miss Granger, have muggle parents who happen to be Dentists. You're also the brightest witch of your age, I hear," you said, flipping a page in your book.

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