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"Keep your eyes on the target at all times, never off and keep your elbows at your chest level. Don't get nervous. You're going to have to keep a steady heart rate during a fight or you're going to go down real quick and no one wants that."

I stopped behind Wanda, watching as she shot the target over and over again before turning my eye to Pietro who was doing the same.

"Okay, stop," I clapped my hands together as the bang of the guns came to a stop and the two started removing their equipment. "You did really well today!"

Wanda gave me a small smile as I examined her work. She hadn't been able to hit bullseye but it was pretty close.

"Remind us again, why we have to do this?" Pietro asked. "Can't we just use our powers?"

"Remind me again, what you're going to do when someone shoots you in the leg and you can't take off running?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Point noted..." Pietro mumbled.

"Good," I smiled. "Take a break, do whatever normal people do."

Wanda chuckled on her way out of the training room.

Natasha walked in staring after the twins as they left before looking over at me. "You're doing a great job. You almost make being an SO to those two look fun."

"It is kind of fun," I replied with a smile. "Didn't you like being my SO?"

"I was your SO for three months before you decided to shoot an arrow and Clint stole you from me."

"You taught me a lot during three months."

"Like hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D and the many ways you can get into trouble?" She winked.

"Like defending myself without a weapon," I chuckled.

"You were a fast learner," she smiled before placing down the tablet she was holding. "And as fun as it would be to trash talk Clint for taking my best student away, that's not why I'm here. I have a mission for you. Well... more specifically, you and the twins. Cap was going to take this but something came up and he had to run off."

"Should I go get them?" I asked.

"Yeah, go."


"Alright," Natasha said once we were gathered in the room. She placed the tablet on the table and put up the information on the big screen. "Marcus Hugh, level six S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Turns out he was working for HYDRA. He made it out with a whole load of information on the objects stored in The Fridge before it-"

"I'm sorry, the fridge?" Pietro interrupted.

"That's classified," Natasha said before continuing. "As I was saying... It was infiltrated. He's been selling that info since. We found him in Brooklyn only a few days ago. You are going to bring him in. If he's selling something, I don't care who he's selling it to, bring that guy in too. Oh, and you aren't allowed to use your powers. This is strictly recon. Any questions?"

Pietro and Wanda shook their heads mumbling "no" in a way that made me want to laugh. They looked so nervous.


"He's on my six," I mumbled, covering my mouth as I did so. I turned slightly to see Pietro standing on the other side of the road, staring in the wrong direction.

"That's a wall..." He mumbled.

"That's my three!" I hissed. "Honestly, you're so cute sometimes."

"What was that?"

"Shut up!"

"You were saying?" Wanda asked, a small smile on her face -to her credit, she was trying hard to hide it.

"Right. Do you see that man sitting on the bench on my left?" I asked. The two hummed in reply. "There's another person opposite him and they're talking. I'm guessing he's the buyer."

"Do you know who he is?" Wanda asked.


"Really?" Pietro asked, staring to walk across the road to where I was. "I always thought you knew everyone."

"I only act like I know everyone, Maximoff," I replied as he reached me and the two of us started walking slowly together to maintain our cover. It wouldn't seem very normal if a person just stood there doing nothing.

"Alright, so what do we do?" Wanda asked.

"Don't engage," I answered. "We can't blow our covers. Not yet. When the man leaves, follow him."

He left only a couple of minutes later and Wanda and Pietro followed him while I went after Hugh. At one point, he must have realised I was following him because he glanced behind once before taking off running. Unfortunately for him, he didn't seem to have been paying any attention to where he was going. He ended up in an alley and looked around trying to find a way out.

"Well, hey there," he breathed out, tucking he bag in his hands behind him. "Seems like you're still active, Vincent."

"And what makes you think that?" I asked, shifting to the side to block his exit.

"You did just chase me down a road."

"Fair point," I shrugged before wiping the carefree smile off my face and running towards him. He moved to block me, but with one hand occupied, he didn't have much of a chance. I knocked him out with a single blow.

I bent down and picked up the bag digging into it to find a tablet. Putting it back, I zipped the bag up and pressed a finger to my earpiece.

"I got Hugh," I said. "How are you guys doing."

"He... disappeared somewhere," Wanda answered. "We can't find him."

"That's alright," I said. "Don't think we really need to. I got something that migght help us, so let's get back to the tower."

"You should watch where you're going young man."

"Sorry, sir," Pietro mumbled.

"Pietro?" I called. "Who was that?"

"Just someone who bumped into me. Why?" He asked.

"Nothing. The voice just sounded... familiar," mumbled, feeling uneasy all of a sudden.

"Do you want us to follow him?" He asked.

"No, that's not the mission," I said unable to shake the uneasy feeling.


I'm hoping beyond hope that people will read this and haven't bailed already because it took so long to publish this chapter (or prologue). I've been busy and haven't been able to write mad actually had a million ideas for the prologue which is why it took so long to write. (And it still didn't come out the way I wanted it to but this will have to do.)

Please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!

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