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Seventeen | broken silence

We were still sitting in my bedroom, me leaning back against the headboard, tired but not willing to say it, when the lights went out.

"What just happened?" Miles asked as he stood up.

"That shouldn't happen," I said. "The tower can't just go out of power suddenly. Unless someone's messing around."

"I'll go check it out," Pietro said.

"Uh, no," I said, grabbing his arm to stop him. "If there's someone in the tower, that means he managed to break into the most secure building in New York. And you don't know what you're looking for anyway."

"But you do," he said. "We can use comms. You can tell me what to do."

"Yeah, but you're still not going alone,"I said, digging into my bedside tables drawer before pulling out the comms.

"Should I ask why you have these in your bedroom?" Miles asked as he took one.

"Nope," I said, grabbing my laptop next before opening it. "Ok, you three can go and I'll tell you where to go, what to do."

"How exactly do you know what to do?" Miles asked.

"Schematics," I said, turning the laptop around to show him the scheme's on the screen.

"Wanda can stay with you," Pietro said. "We can take care of this."

"I can take care of myself," I said.

"I know you're trying to hide it but I can see how tired you are," Pietro said, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Ok," I sighed, knowing he wasn't going to let it go easily. "She can stay with me. Just be careful."

"Yeah, you too," he said glancing at me before he walked over to Wanda. He touched her shoulder, mumbling something before he headed out of the room with Miles.

Once the two boys reached the control panel, I walked them through fixing it.

"Powers back," Miles said through the comms as the lights came on. "We're going to go see if anyone's here."

"That's a stupid plan," I said. "A very stupid plan."

"Did you forget who you're talking to?" Miles laughed. "I am the king of stupid plans, remember?"

"I think I may have for a second," I said, pulling up the security footage so I could keep an eye on them. "I'm calling Cap or Tony."

"Good idea," Miles said.

I sent a quick message to Steve seeing as I was unable to send one to the quinjet Tony, Clint and Natasha had left on. When I pulled up the security feed afterwards, I found that two of the camera's weren't working.

"Miles? Pietro?" I called. "Where are you guys? I can't see you."

"Near Tony's lab," Pietro answered. "What do you mean you don't see-"

Static sounded from the comms as his voice cut off and my eyes went wide in panic. Wanda sat down next to me. "What happened? Pietro, what happened?"

He didn't answer.

"Miles, can you hear me?" I called.

"Clarke, there's someone here," Miles' voice came softly from the comms, making me wonder why he was whispering. "Be care-"

And then his voice cut off too.

"No, no no no no," I groaned as I pulled the comms from my ear and tried to see the security footage from the camera's only to see that one by one, each of the camera's were going out.

"I need to go find Pietro," Wanda said heading towards the door before I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"You're not going alone," I said, standing up and rummaging to my closet to look for the gun I had hidden there.

"I'm not taking you with me," Wanda argued. "You're still not feeling well-'

"If you don't let me come with you, I'm not letting you go," I said, pulling out an icer from one of the drawers.

"What's that?" Wanda asked frowing at it.

"It's an icer," I answered, checking to see if it was loaded. "A SHIELD scientist designed it. Knocks you out. Doesn't kill."

"Ok," Wanda nodded. "I'm probably going to regret this but let's go."

I smiled as I followed Wanda out of the room, gun ready in my hand in case someone came at us by surprise. We walked down the hallways until we found the one where we had last seen Pietro and Miles. The door to Tony's lab was open and we walked in to find Pietro lying unconscious on the ground.

Wanda fell down to her knees beside her brother and checked for a pulse and let out a breath of relief when she felt it. I stood by the door as she tried to wake him up, listening for any sound and wondering where Miles could be. A small groan from behind me signalled that Pietro had woken up. I turned around and glanced at him in concern. "You okay?"

He nodded before rubbing the back of his head. "Someone hit me from behind."

"Do you know where Miles is?" Wanda asked once the speedster stood up.

"Don't know," he shook his head.

"We need to find him," I said, glancing at Pietro again. "You sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Pietro nodded as he and Wanda followed me out of the lab. "Who was that guy?"

We shrugged since we hadn't seen anyone. At least not yet. But whoever it was was probably dangerous and I had a feeling I didn't want to know who it was.


I think I watched too many horror movie becasue what is this if not a scene out of one of those wierd jump out of the dark movies?

I think I should apologize for ending on a cliffhanger but since this book is coming to an end soon, you guys will be getting 2 updates every week so you don't have to wait too long to find out who the guy is. But I would love to know who you guys think it is? Have a theory? Let me know!!!

Thank you for reading and please do give a vote or a comment to let me know what you guys think!

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