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Fourteen | big surprises

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted as the lights turned on making my enhanced senses go out of whack for a second

"I told them that was not a good idea," Clint called.

I laughed, trying not to let my mouth gape open in surprise when I saw the room. It was one of the rooms where Tony held parties, though not the one that Ultron had trashed, which Tony had fixed up but had since given a bad vibe.

The room was decorated with streamers and balloons and the words 'happy birthday speedy' was written in big letters on one wall.

"I cannot believe you forgot your own birthday," Miles said, throwing an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into a side hug.

"It happens," I defended myself.

"No." Miles said. "No, it does not."

I just shook my head at him.

"Oh, and I actually managed to get Pietro to look less like a punk and more like a gentleman," he said, smiling brightly.

"He does not look like a punk," I retorted.

"Yeah, you're right," Miles said, putting a finger against his cheek, pretending to be deep in thought. "With the silver hair, he looks a lot more like a grandpa."

I smacked him on the arm and he laughed, saying "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" over and over again.

I actually ended up enjoying the day, mostly because no one was watching me with worry on their faces but also because everyone was having fun for once. Tony even did a crazy dance in his Ironman suit that had everyone cracking up.

"Ok," Tony called, "it's time for gifts and since I'm your most favorite person in the world, you should open mine first."

He placed a box on my lap and took a few steps back.

As I ripped the paper away from the box, I tried not to look like a little kid as she opened her Christmas presents. But that was pretty hard since I wasn't used to receiving gifts. Or parties for that matter.

"What's this?" I asked, holding up the fingerless gauntlets that were surprisingly a lot lighter than they looked.

"You have enhanced senses," Tony explained, taking one of the gauntlets and fitting it onto my hand, "so I know that you feel a lot more pain than the rest of us, when you punch something or someone. These will help."

I turned my hand, examining the gauntlet with a small smile on my face. It reached just up to my elbow and was really comfortable, much to my surprise.

"Thanks," I said, pulling it off and placing it on my lap with the other one.

Tony nodded and let Natasha step forward with her gift. Everyone was guessing that it would be some kind of lethal weapon like a knife as I opened her gift. They were close because it wasn't a knife but an arrow.

I twirled the thin arrow between my fingers and turned to Clint. "I'm guessing you had something to do with this?"

"Yup," he said, patting the box in his hand, "the rest of them are in here. I promise, you'll love them."

The next few gifts were either really funny or met with a snarky comment from Tony. When Pietro and Wanda gave me a gift from both of them, Tony was quick to say something.

"That's probably only from Wanda. I'm sure Pietro has another gift for you. He just can't gi-"

He broke off when Clint slapped him upside the head.

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