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"So, that's just it?" Tony asked. "You're going to up and say no to being a part of the team they call the Earth's mightiest heroes?"

"One," I said, holding up a finger, "only you call this team that-"

"-I beg to differ-"

"-and two," I interrupted, "signing a sheet of paper thrown at our face along with a threat doesn't really show how 'mighty' we are, does it?"

Tony pressed his lips into a thin line. "So, I'm guessing you're on her side?" He asked, turning to Pietro.

"I think I'm entitled to agree with her," Pietro said, slowly.

"No," I said, "you're in America where you're entitled to your own opinion or at least I thought we were until about an hour ago."

"So you're going to leave?" Natasha asked. I thought you loved this job?"

"I was never in the original members chosen for this team-"

"Neither were they," Natasha said, pointing at Pietro, Wanda, Sam and Rhodey.

"Unlike them, I don't really want this and you know that," I sighed. "I'll come and help whenever you need me but I can't be a part of this team. At least not permanently. I don't want to be bound by something like the accords."

Rhodey opened his mouth to argue but Steve interrupted him before he could get started. "It's your choice," he said. "If you don't want to sign it, you don't have to."

"Thank you," I smiled at Steve and he returned it.

"So, back to being a SHIELD agent for you, huh?" Sam asked.

"Guess so," I laughed as he walked over to me and patted my head, something I noticed he did a lot with his niece.

"What's your choice, Pietro?" Steve asked turning everyone's attention to Pietro who for the very first time, looked uncomfortable under the spotlight.

"Uh..." He glanced at me and then at his sister who smiled at him.

"Do what you want," Wanda said. "Not what everyone else wants."

He turned to me, still unable to make up his mind. "Like she said," I said. "I won't force you to choose."

He smiled at me, his eyes locked with mine for a second before turning back to his sister.

"Go," she smiled at him and walked over to him, throwing her arms around her brother. "Make sure she's happy."

"I will," he said, pressing a kiss to his sisters forehead.

"And you should make sure he stays out of trouble," Wanda said pulling me into a hug as well.

"That might be a little hard, but I'll try my best," I laughed.

"So that's your final call, Vincent?" Tony asked. "Or is it Maximoff now?"

He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed. "Yeah. And I haven't decided on that yet."

Pietro laughed and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him, pressing a kiss to my hair.

"I'm just glad you both will be there to look after each other," Steve smiled. "Stay in touch, wherever you go."

"Of course," I nodded, "and if you need any help, we're just a call away."

And with that, we exchanged our last goodbyes even though I had a feeling this wasn't the last time we would be seeing them. Knowing them, they would get into some trouble, especially with the accords hanging over their heads.

And when they needed us, we would be there to help them.


In case you guys didn't understand, they're married! The epilogue take place during civil war after they are told about the accords. They get married about a week before the events of civil war. And maybe it seems like Pietro is being selfish for leaving his sister and being an avenger but that's not it. He wants to be happy and knows he will be as long as he's with Clarke. And well, my reason for that is because I don't want to write him into any of my other books,not because I don't like him but because he isn't in any of them because he, you know, actually died in age of Ultron.

I'll be writing a one shot for those of you who want to see their wedding!!! And not for just that. Probably two bonus chapter sare going to be written so don't remove this book form your library yet please!

Also, the reason why Clarke is leaving is because she just doesn't want to be an avenger. The publicity that comes with it was never something she liked and she would much rather be a shield agent and that's what she will be later on.

If you want to read more about Clarke's story, you can read 'dissapearing act' which is Miles and Wanda's story where Clarke will be appearing more than once with a little surprise for you guys!

All of my stories are going to be joined somehow,mainly because I keep writing books for the side characters. I mentioned Sam's neice here. She's going to have a small part in dissapearing act and will have her own story later.

Also, I could have published this like nine hours ago but wanted to change some stuff and ended up not changing it so that was a waste of time... Oh,and if you guys didn't read the authors note in the previous chapter, please do read it.

Aaand... Thank you all so much for reading this book! I can't thank you enough for all the votes and comments that you guys left on this book and run to you. Your votes and comments really brightens up my day!!!

(And actual thank you note to come soon...)

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