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Eight | stay down

I winced slightly as Pietro pressed a small piece of cloth against a cut on my forehead.

I didn't know how long it had been since they brought me back to the room, but I was feeling much better. Once Pietro was sure I wouldn't mind, he had untangled the chains holding him against the wall and managed to move halfway towards me. I did the same with mine so that we could sit next to each other.

Once he was satisfied, he placed the cloth down on the floor and looked at me.

"What's his problem?" He asked.


"Why is your father like that?" He clarified.

I just shook my head and Pietro looked away, focusing on the opposite wall. As he did so, I found myself watching him.

He seemed to know when my emotions changed. When I didn't want to talk about something. It was nice not to have to squirm when someone asked the question your didn't want them to ask. There had only been one other person in my life who knew me that well and that was a long time ago.

"You know," Pietro said, finally turning his attention back to me. "I have been trying to figure out a way to get out of here."

"Yeah?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in question. "Tell me."

"I have lots of ideas, but..." He stretched the back of his head, a small smile on his face, "they all begin after we get out the door."

I laughed despite the situation we were stuck in. "So you have no idea how to get out?"

"No," he shook his head. "Do you?"

"Not at the moment."

He nodded and leant his head back against the wall letting out a tired sigh.

"We'll get out of here," I mumbled, lacing my fingers through his, "somehow..."

Only a few minutes had passed when the door opened and the same man from before walked in. This time, instead of going straight for me, he stopped when he reached Pietro and unlocked his chains. Pietro looked like he was about to do something but knowing that it would be a rather stupid move, I shook my head at him. He gave me a confused look but didn't try to get away from the man as he secured handcuffs around his wrists.

I, however, didn't have any reason to stay quiet.

"What are you doing?" I asked, moving away from the wall slightly only for the chains to pull me back.

No one answered. They just quietly walked out of the room, taking Pietro with them.

"Where are you taking him!?" I shouted, pulling against the chains around my wrists desperately now.

One of the men seemed to have gotten annoyed with me and turned around. He pulled out a gun and pressed it to my forehead, pushing me down.

"You're going to stay down or I'll shoot," he warned, pushing the gun harder against my forehead causing me to wince. He seemed satisfied by my reaction and pulled the gun away. Giving me one last look, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.


This is short (much shorter than my normal chapters, I know) and very unsatisfactory, yes, but I just wanted to give you guys a little something before I get back it my normal update-every-friday routine. But just a little warning, there may be a few delays though I do promise that I won't take a big break again. I miss writing too much!!! Also, there may be some mistakes (typos and stuff) since I haven't edited this probably!

Anyway, I dropped a little hint in this chapter (and another chapter before this one). Did anyone catch it? You probably didn't but if you have any theories on what. Talking about, comment and you may get a shout-out in the next chapter! (Yes, I'm bribing you but I really would love to hear your theories. I might even use some of them!!! Who knows!!!???)

Anyway, I missed you all!!! (Just thought I'd add that here!)

So, as usual, please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what you think! (I actually forgot half of that!)
Thanks for reading!

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