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Three | grumpy pants

The boy introduced himself as Micheal James, Rose James' son. And well, let's just say he was just as stupid as I thought he would be. Good looks on the outside, nothing much going on inside.

After a few minutes of mindless chatter from him I managed to somehow start a conversation with an old man who seemed all too eager to talk. I quickly excused myself and the man nodded, keeping a firm grasp on Micheal's arm as I took the chance to escape  and head towards Pietro who had a rather annoyed look on his face.

"What's up grumpy pants?" I asked, poking his arm once to get his attention.

"I do not like this," he said, the frown only getting deeper. I followed his gaze and laughed when I saw Wanda dancing with another boy.

"Oh, grow up, Maximoff," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor.

"I thought we were on mission?" He asked, trying not to look too surprised.

"We are," I nodded. "But, we have to do something to keep our covers secure. That and I also don't want to spend another second talking to that guy." I whispered the while throwing a look over to where Micheal stood with a panicked look as the man talked on and on while occasionally bursting into hysterical laughter.

As a song -not a slow one and not exactly a fast one either- started up on the speakers, I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, while watching close for a reaction. Though my heart was beating fast in my chest and a part of my brain was screaming at me to 'wait until the mission was over', I couldn't help myself.

There had been a tension between us since I got back from my short break at the Barton's home. I knew both of us wanted to talk but I just kept saying that there would come a perfect time for us to talk.

Maybe now was that perfect time.

I almost laughed at the way Pietro awkwardly tried to keep his eyes anywhere but on my face. He failed terribly.

"You know," he mumbled. "You look nice tonight."

"You clean up nice too, Maximoff," I said earning a small laugh from him.

"When are you going to start calling me by my name?" He asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I mumbled, pretending to be confused. "I had no idea Maximoff wasn't your name."

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Yeah, I do," I nodded.

We swayed on the spot for a couple more minutes and as the seconds passed, I found myself getting closer and closer to him until I could finally feel his breath on my face. I tilted my head up and my lips brushed against his for a brief moment. Pietro pressed his lips to mine and for a moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the room and despite my enhanced senses, the noise in the room got lower and lower until it was just a soft hum.

"Do you see that?" Wanda's voice interrupted the two of us and we quickly pulled away.

"See what?" I asked, sucking in a deep breath as I tried to calm my racing heart.

"You said the guy was here for the auction right?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah," I answered, turning to where Wanda stood alone now. "Wanda, what's wrong?"

"Two men have been following him around since he got here," Wanda explained, inclining her head towards the opposite side of the room where a man in a dark grey suit stood, holding a flute of champagne in his hand.

She was right. Oddly enough, two men followed him as he walked. I couldn't make out his face from the direction he was facing but for some reason he looked so familiar.

"What?" Pietro asked, following me as I walked in the man's direction.

"I think I know him," I replied slowly.

"We can't blow our covers now," Pietro mumbled softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"We don't have to," I whispered.

"Clarke?" Wanda asked, worry slipping into her tone. "What do you mean?"

"He already knows we're here," I finished my sentence just as the man turned around, his grey eyes meeting mine.


I totally forgot to update yesterday!

This is so exciting!!!! Who do your think the man is? I would love to know your thoughts. There was a brief but cute moment between Clarke and Pietro which was something I didn't originally include but decided to anyway.

Anyway, please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what your think!
Thanks for reading!

(This is an unedited authors note, hence the reason why it's so cringy...)

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