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Five | lots of questions

A groan sounded from the other side of the room causing me to open my eyes and lean forward a bit to see Pietro getting up from the awkward position they had placed him in over an hour ago. He blinked rapidly for a couple of seconds before his eyes landed on me.

He saw the blood on the side of my head almost immediately.

"What happened?" He asked, worry laced around the two words as he made to move towards me. But the chains around his wrists pulled him back and he turned around to glance at them an annoyed look crossing his face. I held my hands up as well, showing the identical situation I was stuck in.

"Where did the clothes come from?" He asked, frowning as he glanced at the shirt and pants I was wearing.

"They kind of threw it at me and told me to change," I answered. "And I'm glad they did. Can you imagine me sitting here in a dress for who knows how long?"

He chuckled despite the situation we found ourselves in before pointing at my ear. "What happened?"

"Whatever he used to knock you and Wanda out did this to me," I said, gingerly touching my ear only to wince and pull away.

A look of panic went across his face as he scanned the room. "Wanda. Where's Wanda?"

"Don't worry," I reassured. "They didn't take her."

"Who's they?" Pietro asked, looking around the room, probably for some kind of exit which I knew there wasn't. Well, not except for the door which we obviously would not be able to open. "Where are we?"

"Well, you're overflowing with questions today aren't you?"

I leant back against the wall and closed my eyes waiting for the throbbing in my head to stop. He deserved to know what was going on. That much was true. But how was I supposed to tell him all this? How would he take it?


"I'm sorry," I said once I opened my eyes, though I was unable to meet his.


"I should have figured it out," the words poured out of my mouth before I could stop them. "I should have known it was him from the way he was doing everything. I mean, I didn't just spend years watching over his tactics to suddenly run right into his arms like a complete idiot. If I was more careful-"

"Clarke, what are you talking about?" Pietro asked, confusion written all over his face. I would have laughed if we weren't in this particular situation at the moment.

"It's my father, Pietro," I breathed the words out.

Pietro opened his mouth to say something but he never got the chance. The door opened with a click and my father walked in. He had a bright smile on his face as he glanced at the two of us and despite trying not to let the fear from the past flood into my body, right when his eyes met mine again, I shrank into myself, looking away immediately.

Pietro seem to have noticed the way I suddenly moved and looked at me with concern. I was sure he had never seen me like this. I sucked in a deep breath and pushed the fears away - or at least tried to - and gave him a small nod.

"Now, it think we have established the fact that I'm her father," he said with a bright smile as he extended his hand to Pietro who just sat there without moving until he pulled his hand away. "You have rude company," he mumbled to me.

He went to open the door and another person entered the room. This was someone I didn't know and I couldn't even guess who he was since a mask covered his mouth and nose.

"We need her," he pointed at me.

Pietro opened his mouth again, probably to protest, but closed it when I shook my head.

The man walked over to me and undid the chains but left my hands tied together. He grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me out of the room. I managed to give Pietro one last smile which probably looked more nervous than reassuring, before being pulled out of the room.


There was nothing much in this chapter, but you did get a bit of information. Clarke's psycho dad is back and who knows why? Well, I do but, you know, I can't tell you... *wink wonk* But you guys will know soon enough, or maybe you already know?

For some reason I just keep picturing her dad as Micheal from the good place. Is there anyone here who watches the good place?

Anywayyyy.... If you enjoyed the chapter, please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what you think! Because you know... your thoughts matter more than you think (and your cute little comments make me smile so much my cheeks hurt!)

Thanks for reading!

(One of these days, I'm going to look at these and cringe...)

Only You | Pietro Maximoff [2] ✔Where stories live. Discover now