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Nine | deals

They came back for me just like I thought they would and only a few minutes later, I found myself standing in front of a one way window.

I could see inside. Pietro couldn't see outside.

He was strapped to his seat which was placed right in the middle of the room. I just thought it was a tad bit dramatic. Especially when a man walked into the room and pointed a gun at his forehead.

"You're not going to kill him," I mumbled, staring through the window at Pietro.

"Oh no, my dear," my father said from behind me, being his usual dramatic self, "I assure you. I will kill him. And you will have the front row seat to watch as he bleeds out."

I whirled around, having had enough of all this. "You aren't going to gain anything by killing him!"

"But you, will loose everything."

He was right. There was no way I could let him kill Pietro or give him the location of the box. The only thing I could do was lie to him about the location which would only buy us some time. Time that was useless since there was no way out of this place.

He had dug a hole and I was standing right at the edge, only seconds from falling in.

"I'll tell you where it is," I mumbled my voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course you will," my father replied, clearly satisfied.

"If you don't kill him," I added, looking at him expectantly.

"You want to make a deal with me? Fine," he replied immediately, signalling for the man inside the room to leave. "But only if you let me add my own bit into it."


"One of you are going to die before I leave," he said. "Take you pick."

Why did I not see this coming?

"Me," the word escaped my lips before I even realised my mind had formed them.

"Then we have a deal," he said holding out his hand to shake. I didn't take it.

"How do I know you won't just whip out a gun and kill him afterwards?" I asked as he took hold of my arm tightly and pulled me into the room.

"You don't," he said sternly, turning to smile at Pietro who was looking at the two of us curiously. "Just keep your part of the deal and it'll work out the way you want it to."

"It's in a base at San Diego," I said. "You can get in with a SHIELD badge."

"Well then, it's a good thing I have yours," he said with a smile before holding out his arms like one would for a hug.

I looked at Pietro to see that he was already watching me and our eyes locked for a second before I looked away. But it seemed like a second had been a bit too long.

"Clarke?" He called, sounding a little out of breath. "What are you doing?"

He knew me so well...

I didn't answer and just walked forward it my father's arms. My heart was beating like crazy but I kept my breathing even. Or at least I tried to.

I was doing the right thing. I was giving my life to save someone else's. Someone whom I cared about a lot more than I would let anyone know. A lot more than I would even let myself believe.

My father's arms were not those warm arms I remembered running into when I was younger. The experimentation had already started when I was around seven, but they would only give me small doses that didn't do so much damage and honestly, I didn't even mind. But there would be some nights when my hearing would grow and I would have trouble sleeping. He would come into my room and stay with me, telling me stories until I eventually calmed down and fell asleep.

Sometimes I wondered what had happened to that side of my father.

I closed my eyes and thought about what would happen when I was going to die. Would my life flash before my eyes like some people said it would? Would I see a light? Or would it be complete and utter darkness? All those things sounded silly at the moment and even if hey were true, I didn't mind whichever one it was. I wouldn't mind as long as he was safe. That was all that mattered.

All I wanted was for Pietro to be safe. For him to get out of this place and go back to his sister. To train and become an amazing Avenger just like I knew he would someday. To forget about me and find a girl who could actually be with him.

That last one hurt. I knew it was a selfish thought, but I didn't want him to forget me. He was the only one other than Clint who had made me feel safe in so long. He was one of the few people I could be myself around and yet, all those selfish thoughts were ones that I should forget. Because I would never see his smiling face again.

I opened my eyes and blinked away the tears that tried to surface.

I felt the pain before I heard the sound as he pulled the trigger. I pulled myself away from my father who stood with the gun held in his hand with a stony expression on his face. He stepped towards me before pulling the trigger again and put his arms around me, gently lowering me to the ground. I pressed a shaking hand against the wound on my stomach and felt the burning pain spread through my body. Tears flooded down from my eyes as I wondered when the pain would go away. I could barely hear Pietro's screams in the background against the thumping of blood in my ears.

My father kneeled down next to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face.

"Goodbye," he said, before getting up and dusting his hands off as he walked out of the room.

A man walked in a while later and dragged away a struggling Pietro just as my vision blurred and started to dot with black spots.

This was the end.


Those last 4 words may just be me being evil but a little heads up for you guys! The next chapter won't be in Clarke's point of view. So, did you enjoy this chapter? (Haha)

The chapter is dedicated to SkiesTheLimit13 for being my awesome new friend!!!

So, the usual part... *Clears throat* Please consider giving a vote or leaving a comment to let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading!!!

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