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Thirteen | you still aren't that impressive

After an uneventful and rather boring week, I was finally allowed to move around, though I was aware of the fact that there was always someone with me. I was lucky that they let me go to the bathroom alone.

I was sitting on the ground, legs crossed as my eyes flitted from the stopwatch to the blur that was Pietro running around the training room. He was trying to beat his record.

He came to a stop next to me, surprisingly only a little out of breath after running so much. "So?" He asked, curiously, peering over my shoulder to see the time.

"Well, you did it," I said, showing the time to him. "You finally beat your own record. Congratulations!"

Pietro could very easily hear the teasing tone in my voice and pulled me towards him, laughing as I tried to pull away. He finally let go after pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"You can't say you're not impressed this time," he said, sitting down next to me.

I rolled my eyes. This wouldn't be the first time he tried to impress me with his speed. But I wasn't going to give in. He had an over inflated ego as it is.

"I'm going to say this once and only once so listen close, Maximoff." I said. "You still aren't that impressive."

He groaned, getting up before holding out a hand to help me up. "You want to give the bow another try?"

I nodded and picked up the bow, reaching only for one arrow instead of strapping the quiver on my back. I may be able to walk around now, but I did get tired really easily.

I pulled the string back and let the arrow fly. I was disappointed when it didn't hit the middle of the target. I sighed and picked up another arrow and shot again. This time it was a lot closer and only barely missed the middle, but it still wasn't perfect. Instead of trying again, I put the bow down, my arms already tired from the exertion.

"Are you alright?" Pietro asked from behind me.

"Yeah, just tired," I mumbled.

Instead of taking me straight to my room like everyone else did every single time I showed any sign of weariness these days, Pietro just turned to me.

"You know that that's fine, right?" He said softly. "It's only been a week since you woke up."

"Yeah, I know, but..." I sighed, "this is what I've always been good at. And now... I can't even do that so, I feel kind of... useless."

"You are recovering now," Pietro said, placing a hand on the side of my face. "And you are getting better everyday. We can all see it. I know you are going to be back to your butt kicking self soon enough."

A tired laugh escaped my lips at his last sentence and I looked up at him, the smile not dissapearing from my face this time. "You know. I'm really glad you're here."

"I'm glad you're here too," he said, giving me a small kiss on the lips before pulling away.

"Aww," said a voice that caused both of us to turn towards the door. "I've known you for a long time, speedy, but this is just way too cute."

I glared at Miles as he crossed the room towards us. "I hate you."

"Yeah, I love you too," he said. "But we're not here to discuss my undying love for you."

"We?" I asked.

"Yup," he said, grabbing Pietro's arm and gesturing towards Wanda. "I'm here to steal your man. Now you be a good girl and go with Wanda."

Wanda who had followed Miles into the room but had remained silent, throughout our little conversation, with an amused smile on her lips, stepped forward and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door.

"I am sure you two can live without each other for a few hours," she teased as she pulled me in the direction of her room. But before we lost sight of Miles and Pietro, who were headed somewhere else, I heard Miles laugh at her little comment.

When we arrived at Wanda's room, she sat me down on her bed and went to rummage through her closet before pulling out a few items of clothing which she placed on the bed.

"Let's get you changed," she said, smiling brightly.

"You know that I am perfectly capable of changing my clothes, right?" I asked.

"Yes, but I very rarely get to do anything girly so..." she smiled pleadingly at me.

"Fine," I said, "but promise me that you will never use that face against me again. That is pure evil."

"I promise!" She said excitedly and with a slight bounce in her steps, she got to dressing me up like her own little Barbie doll.

When she was done, she had managed to put me in a purple knee length dress with a pretty little jacket and boots that she said she loved which I - secretly - adored as well. With only the slightest bit of makeup on and my hair down, which took quiet a lot of begging on my part, she declared that I was ready.

For what exactly, I was not sure.

Once she had also gotten dressed up, which only made me more suspicious about what was going on, she let me out of the room and into the hallway, ignoring my questions about what we were dressed up for.

I still had no idea what was going on even when we reached our destination. Though, by then Wanda had a gargantuan grin on her face that only made more confused than I already was, if that was even possible.

It wasn't until the lights turned on that I finally realised what was going on.


I feel evil. Especially because I'm smiling at the ending. Haha! Sorry...

I actually happen to really like this chapter. I managed to include some Pietro and Clarke moments (people! We need a ship name!!!) And also Miles, my little cutie pie. And well, this chapter was light and happy and I'm hoping to include more chapters like these.

If you guys are able to guess what's going on, I'll give you a shout out on the next chapter. I'm serious. So get guessing and comment please! Because I love reading your comments!!!

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