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Six | answers

The man practically dragged me down the hall and into another room before forcing me down onto a chair and tying my hands to it. My father walked in a few seconds later, a calculating look in his eyes as he watched me.

"What do you want?" I asked.

He smiled. "Straight to the point as usual."

"And I'm hoping you'll skip your bad guy monologue and get to it quickly so I can say no," I snapped.

"I just want you to know how proud I am of what you've become," he said that smile still lingering on his lips. "I only wish you chose HYDRA instead if SHIELD."

"Oh? You mean become a Nazi?" I asked.

"We aren't Nazi's."

"Have you ever read a textbook?"

"Alright," he looked like he was trying to keep calm, "that's enough. I tell you how proud I am and you snap at me."

"What else was I supposed to do?" I hissed. "Smile and say, thanks, dad?"

He shook his head, obviously annoyed as he ran a hand through his graying hair.

I groaned, so annoyed by the way this conversation was going. He was acting like he actually cared about me when in my entire life, all he had ever done was hurt me, whether it was physically or emotionally.

"Where mom?" I asked softly, almost hoping he didn't hear me, but of course he did.

"Your mother and I had a ... disagreement." He frowned as if he was thinking over it. "You see... she didn't quiet like my methods."

"So you put a bullet in her head?" I asked already knowing the answer to my question.

He turned around and looked at me in surprise, probably wondering where I heard the news.

"I'm not an idiot," I mumbled. "You kept getting crazier and crazier everyday and mom finally got some common sense. So you killed her."

"I didn't want to," he mumbled as if he was a child being accused of something. He shook himself out of whatever daze he had been in a few minutes ago and turned to me. "I didn't bring you here to drill me with questions. I brought you here to give me answers and you will do just that."

A chill ran down my back and my hands clenched into fists behind me. The fear that rushed through me suddenly was not because he had spoken loudly or anything like that. He didn't shout. In fact, he actually sounded calm and for some reason, that was even more frightening.

"Where is the box?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I answered immediately, though my thoughts did flick to he small box Fury had given me a few days ago.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He shouted, finally loosing the cool demeanor he had kept up the entire time as he pulled out a gun and pressed the barrel to my forehead. "Tell me where it is. Now!'

"Shooting me isn't going to give you any answers," I said, keeping calm despite a gun being pressed to my forehead. Without all the training at SHIELD I never would have been able to do that.

His hands shook with anger as he pulled the gun away. "You're right," he said, pacing back and forth, running a hand through his already messy hair. "Killing you won't do me any good. But I do have other methods and they would definitely hurt more."

He was insane.

I could see it clearly. The way he paced back and forth, running a hand through his hair every few seconds. The way his eyes ran all over the place and never stayed still. The way his hands trembled, as he reached for things. He wasn't too far from the edge.

He turned to the door and gestured for someone to come in and the same man who had brought me here -the one with a mask- stepped in.

"I need answers," he said, a smile on his face, "do whatever you need to get them."

The man walked towards me a menacing feel in every step he took. "Answer him." He said once he was standing in front of me.


His fist came into contact with the side of my face and my head snapped to one side. I straightened up immediately, glaring at the man as I spat out the blood that gathered in my mouth.

"Answer him!" This time his voice was more stern.

I maintained the glare on my face and his forehead scrunched up in frustration. Blow after blow came as he ordered me to answer my father's question but I stayed quiet.

I didn't know how much time had passed but my father eventually stepped behind the man and grabbed his arm to stop him. My mouth tasted like blood and I was struggling to catch a breath.

"Take her back."

The man untied me and pulled me up roughly and pulled me out of the room. My head was bent low, my hair falling around my face covering it for now. I stumbled as he dragged me back down the hallway. He finally stopped in front of the door and typed a code into the pad on the wall and pushed the door open.

Once the chains were secure around my wrists he left the room. Pietro called out my name once and I didn't have to look up to know how worried he was. But right now, I couldn't talk. I just shook my head and pulled myself into a corner of the room, welcoming the silence.


This will be changed almost completely as soon as humanly possible, you have no idea how much I hate this chapter!!! I've tried to rewrite this more than once, but it hasn't worked out so far. I always end up with something stupider than the last one and this is as close as it would come to what I actually wanted it to be.

You guys should know that Clarke's dad isn't a caring type of a guy. He devoted his life to creating enhanced humans and when his work didn't go the way he wanted it to, he went a bit crazy. Clarke's mom is dead. It wasn't stated in the previous book because (well, I only just got that idea and) Clarke only started to try and find more about her parents when she found out that they joined HYDRA. Clarke's mom was killed by her dad when she stopped agreeing with his methods.

You should know a bit of the background info. Clarke's mom was always closer to her (even though she did experiments on the poor girl) and was nicer to her. But Clarke never put that into consideration because of all the pain both her parents caused her. Her mom is not going to get any form of redemption and Clarke won't feel guilty or bad or anything except a bit of you know, maybe a tiny bit of hurt because it is her mother who died. But she won't show it and it'll be gone soon anyway.

This is becoming a big essay so I'm just going to stop now. But I wanted to let you guys know that I'll be introducing a new character soon and I hope you love/hate him/her. I'm not letting anything by *wink wonk*

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Thanks for reading!

(If you have any questions, do ask. I'll try to answer them if I can!!!)

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