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Eighteen | I wouldn't do that if I were you

We found Miles soon after, walking straight towards us, rubbing the back of his head. "I don't think Dr. Cho will be happy to see me any time soon, 'cause I think I have a concussion again," he laughed, only to wince and rub his head again.

"Did you see anything?" I asked, walking around him to check if he was bleeding.

"No," he shook his head as I gave him the all clear. "Came up from behind me and hit me on the head with a fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher!"

I laughed, shaking my head. I would never be able to understand how Miles could joke around in the most serious situations.

"How about you?" He asked. "Anything on the camera's?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "They all went out."

"That's bad," Miles said. "Are you sure we aren't stuck in that game? What's it called... Five nights at Freddy's!"

I smacked him on the arm and followed after Wanda who had started walking. Pietro, who was following close behind his sister, glanced at me, worry evident in his eyes.

"Wanda, what's wrong?" I asked softly.

She didn't answer immediately, instead she froze for a second, her eyes still staring in front of her. "I think someone's there."

At that point, we were standing in front of Bruce Banner's lab. It was a place that none of the Avengers had entered since he disappeared. Wanda slowly reached forward and grabbed the door handle and pushed it open. Surprisingly, the door wasn't locked.

I started forward after the twins who stepped into the lab but Miles grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "What?" I asked.

He handed me a gun, a serious expression on his face. "Use it when you have to. Plus, I think that'll work better than an icer."

I nodded slowly frowning at the  first part of what he had said. What did that mean? I shook my head and walked into the lab choosing to focus on the situation at hand before thinking about anything  else. A silver blur that was Pietro was running around the lab. He came to a stop near his sister who looked a little disturbed. "There's no one here."

"No," Wanda shook her head. "I know there was. I felt someone come here. It's like the person... disapeared or something."

"You think it could be an enhanced?" Miles asked.

"There's no way to know until we see something," I said.

"I know there was someone here," Wanda said, running her fingers through her hair.

Miles sighed and walked over to where Wanda had brushed her brother away when Pietro attempted to comfort her. "It's gonna be alright. None of this is your fault."

He gently touched Wanda's shoulder and she surprisingly didn't brush his hand away. I smiled before pulling my eyes away from them, the sound of a constant 'beep beep beep' distracting me. I turned around and walked towards the table in the middle of the large room. There was nothing on the it except for a small box from which the sound seemed to be coming from.

I pulled the lid off the box, wondering if it was perhaps the smartest thing to do since we happened to be in a lab. But right when the lid came off, my eyes went wide. Lying inside the box was the same device my father had used when he captured Pietro and me.

The 'beep beep' coming from the device came quicker and quicker until it let out a high pitched sound that made me fall to my knees with my hand pressed against my ears. When the sound finally stopped, I turned around to see that both Wanda and Pietro were lying on the ground unconscious. But that wasn't what snagged at my attention. It was the fact that Miles didn't look like he had been affected at all.

He held Wanda close to him before putting her down. Even after putting her down, he didn't look away from her. But that wasn't what I noticed. There was a look in his eyes that was different and it didn't seem like it was because he was looking at Wanda but because his mind was on something else entirely.

I felt on edge all of a sudden. My hand slowly reached behind me for the gun tucked into my waistband almost instinctively, all the training I had in the past few years kicking in immediately. But there was still a part of me whispering 'what the hell are you doing' because Miles was my best friends and even doubting him for a second was something I had never done. Sure, he could be careless sometimes, but right now, a part of me was putting a lot of blame on him and it was very much possible that he wasn't responsible for any of the things that had happened and yet, I still found myself reaching for the gun.

I watched as he gently brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen onto Wanda's face. There was a soft look on his face as he did so, but that edge that I couldn't quite understand was still there.

My fingers brushed against the  gun and I almost grabbed it. Almost. But the fact that he was my best friend, someone whom I had known for so long, kept me from grabbing it and aiming it at him. If I was wrong and I ended up pointing a gun at him, would he ever trust me again?

With all these thoughts whirling through my head like a storm, I reached for the gun again. My fingers curled around the weapon but before I could do anything else, Miles spoke up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."


Cue dramatic lightening and thunder because what just happened? What's going on? What!? Well, I know the answers to all these questions but the point is that you don't so.... What do you think? What's happening?

You guys won't have to wait long to get your answers because I finished writing this book so, I will be updating everyday now. When I say everyday, it sounds like I have a lot of chapters when in reality there are only 2 more chapters plus an epilogue left for this book. But the point is that you'll be getting an update everyday! Yay!

So, please vote and comment your theories about what's happening because I would love to know what you guys think!
Thank you so much for reading!

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