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Sixteen | can I ask you something?

The whole tower was quiet but that could probably be because half the team weren't there. Tony, Clint, Natasha and Vision had left when they found something which they believed could possibly be my father. Steve left early that morning to meet up with someone. Nobody knew who and no one asked though Natasha did tease him quiet a bit.

Rhodey had gone a week ago for something related to the airforce and Sam didn't really stay in the tower because he had his niece to look after.

The only once left in the tower were Pietro, Wanda, Miles and me. While Pietro and Miles were in the training room, Wanda was going through the closet in my room while I sat cross legged on the bed. She hummed to herself everytime she saw something she liked.

I smiled as she took yet another clothing item off the hanger and placed it over the growing pile on my bed. I found it funny that she was having so much fun playing around with my clothes. But I guess it was probably because she had to live with her brother for so long and hadn't then able to do anything like this for a long time. A little bit if normalcy must be nice. At least as normal as it could possibly get for us.

"Can I ask you something?" Wanda asked as she dumped a pile of clothes on my bed. Those clothes happened to be the ones that Laura had sent as a birthday gift.

"Sure," I replied, holding my arms out as she slipped a jacket on me.

"What kind of realtionship did you have with Miles?" She asked as she took the jacket back. "I mean, were you friends or..."

"What! No!" I laughed. "No, we were and still are just friends. Always have been."


"Why do you ask anyway?" I asked, raising my eyebrows teasingly at her. "Do you like him?"

Wanda's face flushed red almost immediately giving me the answer she refused to say herself.

"You do!" I said, pointing a finger at her accusingly.

"No, I don't!" Wanda said.

"Yeah, don't try to lie to me, Maximoff," I said, smiling at her. "Not gonna work."

"I- I don't really know... whether I like him or not..." Wanda mumbled.

I moved closer to her and grabbed her hand. "Does he make your heart feel like it's going to jump out?"

"A little," she shrugged, ducking to hide her face.

I laughed, not teasingly but a genuinely happy one. I was happy for her. "Does he make you feel giddy?"

She shrugged again. "Is that how you feel around Pietro?"

"No," I laughed. "I read it from a book. But he does make me feel... special. Unless he's being an idiot, but I can't really blame him. He does have an ego through the roof."

Wanda laughed. "And what about Miles?"

"You know, I have ways wanted to have this conversation," I said excitedly, probably showing a side of me that was pretty much always always tucked away. "Miles is fun. He's an idiot but I like to think all good guys are."

Wanda laughed again at my words. "I might quote you on that one day."

"Yeah, I look forward to that day."

Our chat was interrupted by Miles and Pietro who pretty much just appeared in the room. Pietro ran in and Miles teleported in using his powers.

"I was first!" Miles called. He clearly was feeling better now.

I just shook my head. "You two are trying to see who's fastest?"

"Yeah," Pietro said. "Who do you think is the fastest?"

"You two have completely different powers," I said, "I'm not saying anything."

They both turned to Wanda who shook her head immediately.

Miles tuned to Wanda after giving up on getting an answer. "Do you mind training with me tomorrow? I could use a challenge."

Pietro scoffed.

"Uh, yeah," Wanda nodded, glancing over at me wide eyed. Pietro seemed to have caught the look and glanced at both of us suspiciously but I just shook my head and he let it go. For now.

"What have you two been doing anyway?" Miles asked, plopping down on the bed.

"Talking," I answered since Wanda looked a little too tongue tied at the moment. I had to force myself not to laugh. Three weeks with Miles and she was like this. I couldn't blame her. He caught girls eyes wherever he went which was probably why he was so surprised when I was not interested in him even the slightest bit.

"Girl talk?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing for you to concern your tiny little male brains with," I said.

"How do you have a comeback for everything I say?" Miles asked.

"Like I said, your tiny little male brain can only think so far," I laughed.

"Wow, you are in a good mood," Pietro said.

"Yeah, I think Dr. Cho pumped too much meds into me."

In truth, I think I was just happy about the party the previous night and because I was surrounded by my friends at the moment. I was more than happy to have Miles back in my life and Pietro and I had something I never thought I could have with anyone else. And I could talk so freely with Wanda that it even felt wierd at times.

But in that moment, I was happy. And that was all that mattered.


I have no idea how this became 908 words  because I was planning on putting something big in and I sought of just pushed it back. And put somethings else that is big, I guess.

Yes,Wanda likes Miles! And Clarke ships it! So, this chapter showed a completely different side of Clarke that only VERY few people have seen. But well, she feels safe around these guys so... Anyway, do you guys want a Miles and Wanda story because I am very tempted to write one...

And it's not Thursday but I thought I'd update because this book is almost finished. There are only a few chapters remaining before the epilogue, maybe 4 more chapters? And I'm almost finished with writing them all, yay!

Thank you for reading! Please do give a vote or comment to let me know what you think!

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