Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Everything was different. Different cars,different clothes,different everything. I realized that my parents were gone and I was in a dark alley.

"Mom, Dad!" I cried.

"We are over here!" a voice said. It didn't sound like my dad or my mom either the voice sounded like someone younger than them. Suddenly two teenagers about my age walked towards me. One boy and one girl. The girl had a light blue dress and the boy had a plaid shirt on ,and tacky pants .

"Sara it's us." the girl said. I looked closer at their facial features. The boy had dark blue eyes,black hair,and was skinny with a little bit of muscle tone.The girl had soft brown eyes,long blonde hair,and was short and thin.Suddenly I realized something. These two people weren't just teenagers. They were my parents! I began to feel sick.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked.

"You-you." I stuttered.

"We what?" The girl asked.

"Just look in this mirror I have in my purse" I said. The two teenagers looked in the mirror.

"Oh my god Karen!" Dad cried.

"This is not good is it David?" Mom asked.

"Mom,Dad you guys look great but how did this happen?" I asked.

"The machine we were in wasn't just any type of machine. It was a time machine and when you pressed that big red button we traveled back in time and somehow the machine made us into young teenagers maybe this is a year when your mother and I were teenagers!" My dad replied.

"I will find a newspaper to see what year it is." Mom said. She walked out of the alley leaving my father and I silent til she came back. She walked towards us wide eyed holding the news paper in front of her face.

"Oh my god." Mom said as her eyes were still wide.

"What?" I asked.

"It's July 1st 1965." She replied as her eyes went back to normal.

"Wait a minute" Dad said "If it's 1963 then that means,Karen we are seventeen years old!"

"What are we going to do?" I asked. Dad reached something from his pocket it was a little metal remote with a big red button. He opened the back of it.

"Shit!" Dad shouted.

"What?" Mom asked.

"There's no batteries in this thing!" Dad said.

"Oh shit!" I shouted.

"What are we going to do?" Mom asked.Dad sat on the ground and began to think.

"I got it!" He said cheerfully while snapping his fingers as he stood up.

"My grandpa I know where his house is. I can stay there with Karen there and we will find a place for you and my grandpa can take me to a gas station or something and I can steal some batteries there. I can then put in this thing and we can go back home!" He said.

"What a great idea!" Mom and I said joy in our tones.

"Lets go!" Mom said.

"Wait!" I cried.

"What?" Dad asked.

"I can't go on the streets looking like this!" I cried

"You're right!" Dad said with amazement in his young eyes.

"I will find some clothes for you and I will do your hair. You stay here." Mom said. I sat on the ground and waited as they disappeared out of my sight.

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