Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen 

"What?" I over heard Harry shout loudly. I ran quickly to his echoing voice.Harry and Niall looked at me with shock written all over their faces.

 "Whats wrong." I asked as hey kept staring. Without saying a word Harry took my hand and pulled to closer the window. He slowly draw the curtains. Outside there were tons of Socs heading towards Harry's house! I looked at Harry as my thoughts scrambled. 

"Wh-what are we going to do?" I stuttered while looking at Harry.

"I don't know." Harry whispered as he looked out the window.Harry's puzzled look on his face never fades as he looks at me. His eyes burning for answers as his pink lips etched in a frown as a painful silence fills the room.

"Niall get the rest this is going to be a blood bath." Harry demanded. Niall obliged and ran to the kitchen to the phone.

"Harry are you crazy?" I harshly whispered.

"Stay here." Harry ordered ignoring my question as he walked to the kitchen with long vigorous strides.I followed him to the kitchen.

"Did you not just hear me?" I raised my voice slightly as I tugged on Harry's sleeve.

"Sara please don't I'm under a lot of pressure right now." Harry said as he tried to keep his voice calm.

"Harry why fight can't you guys talk?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"It doesn't work like that you don't understand." Harry said almost yelling.

"I do understand though you don't know what it's like in 1985!" I yelled.Harry quickly turned around facing me with anger clear on his face.

"Sara just stop okay you don't know shit from this time period so shut the hell up!You don't know what it's like to have to carry a fucking blade around because you're afraid of getting mugged you don't know anything about being like us! I bet in 1985 you are this goody little two shoes fucking princess that everyone cares about and that your parents get you everything! You don't have to work for anything you just ask your fucking parents!" Harry snapped. Most of what he said is true.I do get what I want from my parents but I'm no goody two shoes.Hurt coursed through me as I looked at him wide eyed.His features soften as his eyes flashed realization on what he just said. 

"I'm not a goody fucking two shoes Harry! You don't know shit about me! So you can shut the fuck up!" I yelled as I ran to the hallway.

"Sara wait!" Harry pleaded as I slammed my bedroom door shut.Tears flooded my eyes as I laid down on my bed in the fetal position hugging my pillow as tears streamed down my face.A soft knock echoed from the door.

"Go away Harry I don't want to talk to you." I yelled as I sobbed heavily. I don't have to turn around to know it's Harry.I heard the door unlatch  and creak from Harry slowly opening it. The bed shifted as he sat down behind me. He softly put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up and realized it wasn't Harry,it was Niall! 

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