Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"Well hey there." The Soc said in overly friendly tone and sounded kinda drunk and looked kinda handsome I will admit. I said nothing I just stood there trembling.

"Aren't you a little a bit too pretty to be hanging around with bums like Harry? And you don't seem Greaser material at all." The Soc slurred.

"He's not a bum none of the Greasers are bums! And you will just have to have to face the fact that I am a Greaser!" I defended before spitting in his face.

"Hey I mugged a Greaser today." The Soc bragged as he wiped my saliva off his face with his sleeve. Then I remembered about Michael with all those terrible cuts and bruises on his back. That same viciously anger came back again.

"You bastard!" I shouted while pushing him as hard as I could. He fell on the ground and picked himself up like as if it never happened.

"Aggressive I like that in a girl." He said with a smile that made my skin crawl. He came closer I could smell the hard liquor from his breath and he held me tightly and I struggled to get out of his arms but I couldn't.

"Help! Help! Somebody help me please!" I cried.I started screaming louder for help. The Soc grabbed my switchblade and cut the right side of my face I screamed loudly in pain. Suddenly I saw a guy on the street that was running towards us. It was Zayn he was soaking wet and he didn't look very happy when he saw that Soc.

"Let her go right fucking now!" Zayn yelled while holding a empty beer bottle. He had cuts on his face.

"Who's going to make me?" The Soc taunted in a childish tone while making his grip tighter.I yelled of pain.

"I am!" Zayn hollered while smashing the empty beer bottle off of a building and pointed it towards the Soc. The Soc backup a inch and put his hands in the air like as if he was surrendering. I ran towards Zayn and stood behind him.

"Hey Grease it's okay man I was just getting something off her uh face." the Soc lied while standing unbalanced. Zayn raised one eyebrow and smiled mischievously. He just tapped the Soc lightly on the chest and the Soc passed out falling backwards with a loud thump on the hard ground landing in a muddy puddle. Zayn took the switchblade out of the passed out Soc's hand and handed it to me.

"Why didn't you scare him with your switchblade?" Zayn asked with worry in his beautiful brown eyes. I stared in them. I have never seen such beautiful eyes on a person like that in my whole life.

"You have wonderful eyes." I said forgetting what he asked me. He laughed and smiled at me I smiled back.

"Well you have wonderful eyes." Zayn said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks for saving me." I said.

"Anything for you sweetie." Zayn said as he winked at me. We looked at each other. His caramel brown eyes shined from the street light. He leaned over and kissed me. For some reason I kind of liked it. I slowly pulled back

"We can not tell Harry this!" I panicked.

"Your right if he finds this out he will be mad at you and I will get my head kicked in." Zayn said.

"I know." I replied while looking at the ground.

"Look lets just keep this in between you and me ok?" Zayn asked with fear in his eyes.

"Ok." I promised

"He doesn't need to know that you were cheating on him." Zayn said. I lifted up my head quickly looking at him in the eye.

"Cheating? You're the one that leaned over and kissed me." I protested. I was kinda angry actually because of that Soc.

"Yeah and I'm the one that saved you from that drunken bastard." Zayn defended before lighting a cigarette. I gave him the same sad puppy dog eye I did to my father.

"Who am I kidding? I can't argue with ya and be a complete jerk I'm sorry." Zayn said weakly and defeated.

"It's okay. Hey where were you and why are you bleeding?" I asked.

"Got mugged. Couple of Socs including that bastard came by and nearly killed me thankfully I was able to fight back." He said.

"Do you have to go to a hospital!" I asked surprised.

"No I'm good besides I heard that Michael is worse. Is he okay?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Now he is when we got to Harry's house he was half conscious and had bruises and cuts on his back." I relied.

"Jesus Christ." He whispered.

"There's a fight that going to happen on Thursday, Soc against Grease." I informed.

"We have to kick their asses!" He said with fury in his eyes.

"You didn't tell me why you're soaked." I said.

"They pushed me in the water at the dam nearly killed me if it hadn't been for Calum helping me." He replied.

"Who's Calum?" I asked.

"My cousin." He replied.

"Well its great to see you're okay!" I said with a smile on my face. He smiled back with his bright,reckless smile.

"Lets go back before anything else happens to us and we also need to get you back to Harry's because you got a massive cut on your face." Zayn said.We walked away from the passed out Soc and headed to Harry's house. We opened the door and Harry was sitting the chair awake while watching TV and Michael was gone.

"Hey Zayn where have you been"Harry asked while turning off the TV.

"At the dam then at Calum's house why ya asking?" Zayn asked.

"Oh nothing-Holy shit what happened to your face?!" Harry asked nearly yelling.

"She got mugged." Zayn answered for me.

"Fuck!" Harry shouted with anger in his raspy voice. He grabbed the first aid kit that was under his chair and disinfect the cut that was on my head.

"Don't think you need stitches since the cut isn't that deep." Harry said with worry in his voice. He placed dry white cloth and gently placed it on the cut and took it off. I looked at the cloth and it was red like as if someone dyed it. I looked at him with worry in my eyes.

"Tell me what happened who did this to you?" Harry asked with worry filling his beautiful eyes.

"I was walking by my self when a Soc came and started teasing me. He was drunk and he grabbed me really hard and took that switchblade away from me. Then he cut my head with it.That's when Zayn came by and saved me from him." I answered. Harry looked at Zayn and gave him a nod thankful smile then looked at me.

"We need to kick the shit out of those Socs if it's the last thing this gang will do."Harry nearly shouted trying to stay calm.

"What else happened Zayn?" Harry questioned.

"He passed out." Zayn cautiously replied as he backed up slowly.

"Passed out were." Harry snapped quickly.

"Hey don't get mad at me man I saved her." Zayn stammered as he put his hands slightly in the air surrendering.

"Where is the bastard?" Harry raised his voice as he slowly stepped closer to Zayn.

"Near the pub at the corner across the street from the ice cream shop." Zayn stuttered. Harry quickly turned around.

"I'll be right back!" He shouted as he swung the front door open and walked outside slamming it behind him.

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