Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Harry's POV

I pathetically stood there as I watched the most beautiful girl walk away from me in tears because of my awful mistake.I can't blame her if she hates me now she probably doesn't want to see me ever again.I wish I can take back what happened last year.If I knew I would meet Sara I wouldn't look at Karen let alone use her in any way shape or form.This is what karma is like and it's exactly like what they say karma is a bitch.My vision blurs as my eyes start to water.As soon as saw her dad's car leave I slammed the door behind me yelling loud as I can while I stormed into my room.I haven't cried since my father died last year.Pathetic tears stream down my cheeks and fall on my lap as I sit on the edge of my bed.I've never cried over a girl until her.The phone rang from the kitchen echoing through out the empty walls.I walked to the kitchen to answer the call.

"Hello?"I croaked in the phone.My voice barely audible.

"Harry are you alright?"Louis asked with sympathy in his voice.I stand in the kitchen debating weather or not to tell him.

"No I'm not."I asnwered honestly.I might as well tell him after all he is one of my closet friends.

"What happened?" He questioned.

"Sara left me."I whined on the phone.

"Wha-what do you mean she left you?!"Louis stammered.

"I told her what happened last year between Karen and I."I cried.

"Jesus christ."Louis whispered on the phone.

"Look all the Socs are gone if you want you are more then welcomed to come over."Louis offered.I thought about his offer for awhile as we both stayed silent on the line.

"Okay I'll be right over." I anwsered.

"Alright just walk in."Louis infomed before hanging up. I grab my jacket and slip on my chuck Taylor's. I swung the door open violently exiting out of my house slamming the door behind me.

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